Jared's Fun Scientist Deck | Brockton, Mass. | Some Random Card Store Holding a tourney. Me and My friend's drove up to Brockton, Massachusetts on Saturday, August, 28th. They went to meet some friends up there, I went to a local Card Shop for a few hours, And They were holding a Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament there.. Swiss 5-Round about 26 People were there. $5 Entry Fee, I entered since the prize was a choice between 5-Packs of IOC or 5-Packs of AST. So anyways.. Off to the tournament report. Now I had a choice between, Chaos.. Burn or Scientist. Since I run those 3 IRL. Everyone was running chaos there.. So I used scientist to just 0wn em'

My Deck   //monsters13
3Dark Magician of Chaos
3Catapult Turtle
2Morphing Jar
1Magical Scientist
1Cannon Soldier
1Cyber Jar
3Monster Gate
3Last Will
3Dragged down into the Grave
2Book of Taiyou
1Card Destruction
1Graceful Charity
1Pot of Greed
1Painful Choice
1Monster Reborn
1Premature Burial
1The Shallow Grave
1Poison of the Old Man
1Ring of Destruction
1Call of the Haunted
3Dark Flare Knight
3Dark Balter the Terrible
3Ryu Senshi
3Thousand Eyes Restrist
3Punished Eagle
3Roaring Ocean Sea Snake

3Book of Moon
3Sacred Crane
2The Shallow Grave
1Book of Taiyou
1Cannon Soldier

1st Round: Me[ Scientist ] vs. Somekid[ Chaos Control ].
#1: I won the coin toss, and the First duel.. My Opening Hand: 2x Last Will, Monster Gate, Morphing Jar, Reload, and Pot of Greed. All I said was " GG " and showed him my hand, and he agreed that I won the first Duel.
#2: My opening hand: Dark Magician of Chaos, Catapult Turtle, Last will, Graceful Charity, Monster Gate. He opened up strong, Pot of greed into DUO, Randomly snaggin' my Dark Magician of Chaos and I threw away my Monster Gate. He played a lone f/d Monster and ended. I drew a Pot of greed, Played POG into Monster reborn and Painfull. All I said again was " GG " painfull'd 2x Dmoc, 1x Scientist, 2x Last Will. He gave me a Dark Magician of Chaos. I monster reborn'd 2x Dmoc in the grave and Scientist. Paid -1000 for a Fusion Thousand Eyes Restrict to suck his f/d MOF up, Tribute'd it for catapult, After I tributed it, He just shook my hand and said " I will murder Catapult in it's sleep, GG " (In this duel, I would have thrown away catapult and kept monster gate, I must have been high.. Oh well)

//r.ecord: 1-0  

2nd Round: Me[ Scientist ] vs. Somekid[ Chaos Beatdown ].
#1: I won the coin toss. My opening hand: Cannon soldier, Last will, Monster gate, Monster Reborn, Call of the Haunted. I drew Painfull. I played Painfull and got: 2x Last Will, 3x Dark Magician of Chaos. He gave me a DMOC. I played last will, Monster Reborned Two Dmoc's and got back Last will, Last will'd again and summon cannon and tributed him and summoned Catapult and Scientist for the win.
#2: My opening hand: Gilasaurus, 2x Catapult Turtle, Dark Magician of Chaos, and Last will. He Painful'd into Chaos Emp. First turn and used the effect. I was mad :(. 7000/5700 him. I drew Monster Reborn, Monster reborn'd DMOC and Chaos Emp. I attacked for 5800. 1200/5700, He drew a Mirror force and Set it. I drew and Used Chaos's Effect for -1200 :).

//r.ecord: 2-0  

3rd Round: Me[ Scientist ] got the Bye.

//r.ecord: 3-0  

4th Round: Me[ Scientist ] vs. Some Kid[ Control ]
#1: I won the Coin toss. My opening hand: 2x Morphing Jar, Monster Reborn, Premature burial, and Painful Choice. I drew Magical Scientist. I played Painful and grabbed 2x Last will, Graceful charity, Pot of Greed and Book of Taiyou. I think he had a bad hand. He gave me Book. I set: Premature, and Monster reborn and Morphing Jar. Book of Taiyou'd it. Got 2x Dragged down into the grave. 2x Catapult and 1x Monster Gate. I set the 2x Dragged and 1x Monster gate. Flipped 1 Dragged down into the grave. Sent Catapult to the grave yard, and I drew Cannon Soldier. I Flipped Monster reborn and Premature Burial for the win.
#2: He didn't draw anything good, No torrentials, Imperial order, Duo, Conf, Sentry, or Ring. So He forefitted.

//r.ecord: 4-0  

5th Round: Me[ Scientist ] vs. Some Hott Girl[ Fairy ]
#1: I won the Coin toss and I just pwnt her. MY opening Hand: Cannon soldier, Last will, Monster Gate, Premature Burial, 2x Dragged Down into the Grave. Cannon, Last will.. Monster gate and summon'd Scientist w/ Last will. Got DMOC with Monster gate, Got back last will.. Premature cannon, Last will, Sent off cannon. Summoned catapult.
#2: She went first. 0bv she got a godly hand: Pot of Greed, Into Graceful, Into Duo and Conf. Then she beat me down w/ Airknight.
#3: My Opening Hand: 2x Reasoning, Last will, Magical Scientist, and Gilasaurus. I drew a Dark Magician of Chaos. PLayed Reasoning, She called 8 and She got it right. I reasoning'd again, again she called 8, I drew Catapult, and Special Summoned him, and Summoned Scientist for the win.

//r.ecord: 5-0  --  Cutting into Top8

Top8: Me[ Scientist ] vs. Some Kid[ Chaos Beatdown ] The only other undefeated participant there
#1: He won the Coin toss. My opening hand: Cyber jar, Book of Taiyou, Last will, Monster gate, Dark Magician of Chaos. He Set 1 Facedown m/t and 1 Facedown Monster. I drew a Catapult. Set Cyber jar, played Last will, Book of Taiyou'd him.. Summoned Catapult w/ Last will, From Cyber jar, I got: 1x Last will, Gilasaurus, 2x Dragged down into the grave and A Reload. I played Last Will, and Sent Gila. to the grave for the win.
#2: I drew a god awful Hand: Poison of the old man, 2x Catapult, Dark Magician of Chaos, and 2x Last Will. I set Poison and Ended. He played MSt, I chained +1200. He set 2 facedown m/t's and 1 f/d Monster. I drew cannon soldier, I played Last will, He chains with IO. I'm like.. " I quit." So I forefitted.
#3: My Opening Hand: Painful Choice, Scientist, Morphing Jar, Cyber Jar, Monster Reborn. I drew Card Destruction. I played Painful and grabbed: 3x DMoc, 2x Catapult. He gave me a DMOC. I monster reborn'd 2x Dmoc and 1x Catapult and PLayed scientist for the win.

//r.ecord: 6-0  --  Cutting into Top4

Top4: Me[ Scientist ] vs. Some Kid[ Control/Beatdown ] 3x D.D. Warrior ladies and Beserk Gorilla's
#1: I won coin toss. My opening Hand: Dragged down into the grave, Card destruction, Last will, Monster Gate, Magical Scientist. I drew a Gilasaurus. I Special Summon Gila. Summoned Scientist. Last will'd, And Monster Gate'd Gila. Got Catapult with Last will's effect and got morphing jar Face-Up with Monster Gate's Effect.
#2: He Set a Monster and Ended. My opening Hand: Painful Choice, Premature Burial, Cannon Soldier, Monster Reborn, Pot of Greed. I drew a Cyber Jar. I played Pot of Greed, I got Poison of the Old Man and Reasoning. I played Painful and grabbed: 3x DMOC, Scientist and Catapult. He Gave me DMOC. I Monster Reborn'd 2x Dmoc and Scientist. Summoned Cannon soldier. Special Summoned Thousand Eye's Restrict with Scientist's effect -1000. Sucked up his f/d Witch. Tributed TER with Cannon. 7500/7000 him. He got Don Zaloog with Witch's Effect. I attacked with both dmoc's, scientist and cannon for 6500, and tributed em' all to cannon for the win. ( I know I could have Premature burial'd Catapult, But I wanted to beat him down with my deck. To show people that Scientist decks don't JUST rely on the Catapult/Scientist combo, They can also go for beats with it. :) )

//r.ecord: 7-0  --  Cutting into Top2

finals: Me[ Scientist ] vs. Some Kid[ Chaos Beatdown ]
#1: I won coin toss. My opening Hand: Cannon Soldier, 2x Last will, Catapult turtle and Monster Gate. I Drew Sangan. Summoned Cannon soldier, Last will'd twice. Sent cannon off for the win.
#2: He got a godly hand. My opening hand: Catapult, Scientist, Cannon soldier, Dragged down into the grave and Poison of the old mand. He played Confiscation, Delinquent Duo and The Forceful Sentry, All I was left with was Catapult. He summoned Kycoo in ATK and Ended. I drew Reasoning. I played Reasoning, He called 4.(<--Who does that?)I Lost alot of Magics, Including Monster reborn, I summon'd DMOC with Reasoning, Got back Monster Reborn and Monster Reborn'd Scientist. Tribute DMOC for Catapult for the win!!! He Said " I Meant to call 8, I guess I wasn't thinking."

//r.ecord: 8-0  --  I won :P

//me for winning
//my friend Justin for the ride :D
//gettin' a second Chaos Emp. and another Reload from the IOC Packs
//for the hott girl giving me a hug, and running a fairy deck, <3 Airknight :P
//for me, gettin' everyone's respect at the store, My mission in life is complete!

//for my opponents who thought that chaos could beat me =\
//for the piece of crap floor the store had which I tripped twice over

C.ontact me