Ultimate Beatdown Tourny Report 

CK lpodmdx@yahoo.com

Toys R Us

Newark, CA

August 28, 2004

Cost: $7

There were around 25+ people here.


Here’s my deck:




Berserk Gorilla x3 (main attackers)

Magician Of Faith

Witch of the Black Forest (search for Jinzo)
Archfiend Soldier
Mad Dog of Darkness
Tribe Infecting Virus

Giant Orc x3 (cant afford a GAF)

Cyber Jar

Mystic Tomato

Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (kills chaos decks)

D.D. Warrior Lady


MAGIC (18)
Graceful Charity
Premature Burial
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Mirage of Nightmare (gets me out of yata-locks)
Pot of Greed
Dark Hole
Harpie’s Feather Duster
Monster Reborn
Change of Heart
Snatch Steal
Nobleman of Crossout

Heavy Storm

Confiscation (hand-control is good)

The Forceful Sentry (hand-control is good)

Call of the Haunted

Waboku (going to replace this for mirror force)

Ring of Destruction

Imperial Order
Torrential Tribute


Number of Cards: 40

Side Deck (15):

Airknight Parshath


Exiled Force

Swords of Revealing Lights

Trap Jammer

Spell Type Shield-1

Nobleman of Crossout

Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x2 (great against chaos decks)

Magic Cylinder

Kenetic Soldier (great against warrior decks)

Dark Designator (combo with DD Designator against Exodia decks)

D.D. Designator

Delinquent Duo (2 for 1 card)

Waboku (if I need extra help)

D.D. Warrior Lady


Note: I don’t spend much money on yugioh (I got this whole deck for $50 bucks on ebay), so I can’t afford godly cards such as CED, BLS, etc, however, this deck is very efficient and effective.


1st Round Me vs. N000000b!!111

I was battling against a n00b who could barely play yugioh. He was around 7-8 years old and he had like a 70 card deck. First turn, I got Berserk Gorrila, MST, Raigeki, Nobleman of Crossout, Snatch Steal, and Imperial Order. He went first and he tried to put a bent, crumpled Bewd on the field w/o tribute. I was like “WTF?!” and told him about tributes. I think he didn’t put much non-tribute monsters in his deck because always left the field open for a direct attack. Well, I won easily. The only damage I took was from my Confiscation.



2nd Round Me Vs. Dragon Deck

I haven’t seen many dragon decks for a while. This was a well-built dragon deck and pretty difficult. The first turn, he used a mirror force on me. Then, he attacked me directly with lord of d, tyrant dragon, and luster dragon (mfc). Fortunately, I had a dark hole and wiped him out and attacked him directly with Berserk Gorilla. He tried to raigeki me, but I Imperial Ordered it haha! He then set a Lord of D. I nobleman of crossout it and set a Cyberjar. He was still defending and I flipped the cyberjar. After that, I used Raigeki and attacked with all my monsters. The second duel was a bit harder. He attacked me directly a lot with his annoying flute of summoning combo, but I attacked with my giant orcs and jinzo.



3rd Round Me Vs. Beatdown

This guy was using a beatdown different from mine. He used Bazoos, injection faerie lady, and lots of 1800 atkers. It didn’t look like he had an organized deck. Well, he tried to direct attack me with injection fairy lady, but I used waboku and laughed at him. I snatched his injection faerie lady, summoned giant orc, reborned my jinzo I discarded with graceful charity, heavy stormed his m/t’s, and directed attacked. He was really pissed after that. The second duel was a lot easier. I replaced my confiscation with magic cylinder and it kinda helped. He tried to attack with a pumped up bazoo but I used magic cylinder. I set a mystic tomato and he attacked me with dark blade then directly attacked my wobf I got from mystic tomato. I got jinzo and used change of heart to summon it. I attacked his dark blade. I forgot what happened next. But I remembered that I won like 4900-0.



4th Round Me Vs. Rich Chaos Deck

This loser probably spent a lot of money on yugioh. He had a dark magician of chaos, ced, and bls. Chaos decks are overated  IMO. The first duel was crazy. He summoned his bls on the first turn. I took the risk and set a torrential tribute. He fell for the trap and I directly attacked him with my giant orc. He reborned his Bls and discarded his Thunder Dragons for chaos food. I was attacked directly with his BLS and CED at the end. 0-3200

The second duel was different. I went first and I summoned Jinzo by discarding it with graceful charity and reborning it with premature burial. He attacked me with his cheap dd warrior lady. I summoned my berserk gorilla, but he used ring of destruction. He tried to direct attack with CED, but I used scapegoats. I snatchstealed his CED and attacked directly. I also used Confiscation and Forceful Sentry on him. He had no cards and didn’t draw a monster card. I used call of the haunted and reborned my berserk gorrila and I summoned an archfiend soldier and directly attacked hi, with the 3 cards. I won. 6200-0

The last duel was amazingly easy. He went first and didn’t put a monster or m/ts on the field. I knew he had a kuriboh, so I used forceful sentry. There was a kuriboh and ced. I put the kuriboh to his deck. I attacked directly with kycoo. He couldn’t summon his chaos cards with my kycoo on the field so set a wobf and discarded his thunder dragons. I used nobleman of crossout and attacked with kycoo and giant orc. I removed 2 thunder dragons from play. I forgot the rest, but somehow he summoned both his chaos monsters in one turn, I laughed my ass off and used torrential tribute. I reborned his chaos emperor and used its effect. BOOM! He’s dead. 5300-0


W00t! I won the tournament! I got 5 Booster Packs of choice (crappy prize for 1st place if you ask me =/)



Winning the tournament

Getting 5 Booster Packs

Ripping off people



Getting some crappy cards in the booster pack (3 rares, 2 super rares)

This little kid trying to steal my jinzo but I caught him red-handed

