From: D B
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:30
BlueD |Swordsman| :
105 Duelists
-Cautions- This
Regional report is pretty long. But yall can a least read my pros/cons
Well, hey everyone this is my first tourney report since
I got back to Yu-Gi-Oh a month ago and this was my first tourney/regional in
awhile. Well they will be plenty of them in the future. Hey I would
like introduce myself, my name is Duy *Vietnamese name* and now my teammate call
me blue. Well I woke up around
My Deck:
Monster: 18
Sinister Serpent
Exiled Force
Tribe Infecting Virus
Fiber Jar
Cyber Jar
Spirit Reaper
Blade Knight
Command Knight
Mystic Swordsman
2x Marauding Captain
2x Goblin Attack Force
2x Kycoo the Ghost
2x Mystic Swordsman
Magic/Spell: 17
Pot of Greed
Change Of Heart
Snatch Steal
Premature Burial
The Warrior Returning Alive
Mystical Space Typhoon
Heavy Storm
Hammer Shot
Sword of Revealing Light
Scape Goat
Creature Swap
Noble of Crossout
2x Reinforcement of the
3x Book of Moon
Trap: 6
Ring of Destruction
Call of the Haunted
Torrential Tribute
Sakuretsu Armor
2x Waboku
Total: 41
Side-deck: 15
Skull Servent
Solar Flare Dragon
Magician of Faith
Ninja Grandmaster Saskute
Stealh Bird
The Forceful Sentry
Mirage of Nightmare
Mask Of Dispel
The Warrior Returning Alive
The A. Force
Card Destruction
Barrel Behind The Door
Big Burn
Saskuretsu Armor
My Record was 3-4, that pretty awful *SIGH* I wanted to
try a Mystic Swordsman Deck in the regional.
Round 1: Me vs Eh I forgot your name *sorry* Graves
Keeper Deck.
1st Duel: Win
Opponent: 8000/7500/900
I basically won, because he didnt
pretty much didnt draw any monster, and his Swords was stalling me real
2nd Duel: Lost
Me: 8000/6600/3000/0
O: 8000/670/5400
I really dont remember too much, on what happen on this duel, but I remember I
end up playing up two necrovalley, and I end up top-decking, and got owned by
his graves keeper that switch my monster battle position *I forgot* . He
ends up owning my ScapeGoat.
3rd Duel: Lost
*sigh* couldnt draw anything, he had a early advantage of me because I end up
summon Jinzo really early, and he snatch it, and beat me down with his graves
Quick Summary: So I lost the first round, I was pretty sad, but I know
they were going to be like 6 more rounds. My teammate end up winning they
first round.
Round 2: Me vs Andy 60 cards
1st Duel: (Win) Ok I hammershot his
only monster, and I just keep attacking with my Marauding Captain, and
2nd Duel: (Win) He didnt summon any monster,
I end up beating him with my Jinzo.
Quick Summary: ok
Round 3: Me vs Some dude..had a playable fire
1st Duel: Ok this is messup ahaha, I got
raped by Baseball Kid? Or whatever he is called, and his monster just basically
over power me cause I didnt get no mst or heavy storm that field card *I
2nd Duel: Ok I won that duel pretty easily,
all I remember he end up top-decking, and I own him with the
3rd Duel: *sigh* I lost, dont quite
Summary: 1-2 horrible!
Round 4: Me vs Burner.
1st Duel: He play his wave motion
cannon, and summon his solar flare dragon. I heavy storm it, and
play my marauding captain to summon
2nd Duel: Ditto..his gravity bind, message of
peace was like on the bottom on his deck..felt sorry for him, he was 1-2 also,
and he said his deck didnt workout today.
Summary: 2-2.
Round 5: Me vs
1st Duel: *WON* Ok I got a chance to summon
2nd Duel: *LOST* Ok he summon his BLS eotb
pretty early and own my marauding captain, I lost total of 7600 LP during that
turn. He had other monster also too.
3rd Duel: *LOST* Gosh I hate tiebreaker, I
always lose Ok had a early advantage on me, He atk me directly with
his Breaker. I COH it and tribute it for my
Summary: 2-3 oh comeon!
Round 6: Im sorry I dont remember who that
I lost round 6.
Summary: 2-4 LOL
Round 7:
I said this to myself, a least win the last round, and
so I did.
I played against some Dark Paladin deck, I won
Conclusion: The place was pretty much pack, and I
couldnt barely walk, and did some comfortable trades..since I fear my cards
would be stolen.
New cards: Thousand Eye Restrict, Toon Gemini Elf,
Deck-Destruction Virus 1ed, DDWL 1ed, Goblin Attack Force, Kycoo The Ghost
Destroyer, Blade Knight, Ninja Grandmaster Suskue Ulimate, Creature Swap,
Airknight, and Zaborg 1ed!
1. For place
72nd out 105.
2. My Black
Luster Solider Envoy of the Beginning for not coming in the mail on time,
so I couldnt place chaos.
3. Didnt buy
any booster pack.
4. Didnt win
any of those
5. For being
hungry and tired after the regional..*Smiles*
6. All I can
think of..*sigh*
If you want to duel/trade/talk on online?
You can contact me at: xalbertxpure *AOL/AIM*
My email is Please
do not flame !!