Name: Leprechaun71588

Place: Regionals at Broken Lotus, Kansas City, MO

Time:  May 14, 1:00

Price: $10

Prizes: National Invites

Entrants: about 100


Deck: TURBO Hand Control

BLS – Envoy


Mobius the Frost Monarch

Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

2 Magician of Faith

2 Spirit Reaper

Mystic Tomato


Apprentice Magician


DD Warrior Lady

Don Zaloog

Exiled Force


Sinister Serpent

Tribe Infecting Virus


2 Metamorphosis

2 Scapegoats

Pot of Greed

Graceful Charity

Delinquent Duo

Nobleman of Crossout

Hammer Shot


Swords of Revealing Light

Heavy Storm

Mystical Space Typhoon

Snatch Steal

Premature Burial


2 Magic Drain

Solemn Judgment

Call of the Haunted

Ring of Destruction

Torrential Tribute

Bottomless Trap Hole

            Well I’ve been getting ready for this day for the past two weeks and now it’s already over. I started out the day by waking up at 6 in the morning, for some reason I woke up and of course wasn’t able to fall back asleep. It wouldn’t have been so bad, but I had been up a little later than I wanted to be finishing up the Team TURBO shirts. On top of that, I had to go out and mow the lawn before I left, only further draining my energy for the day.

            We get there at about 11:30 and find Jordan, I buy some new sleeves and put them on my deck. Someone wanted to play me, so I used my Gren Maju deck against him and got killed. I don’t like using my real deck in practice before the tournament starts, if I lose it just makes me even more nervous. And of course, I get asked again if my sister was my girlfriend or something….ewww. I traded 2 Apprentice Magicians, Fusilier, a common Sangan for a holo Creature Swap. The place was getting really crowded, so they opened up the room next door and set up a bunch of tables. We all went over since there was less people over there and more room to move around. I played Jordan’s Exodia control deck and won right before the first round was posted.


Match 1: Me vs. Dragon Deck.

            Like most of the people there, I had never met him before. But if somehow he reads this, let me say that it was one hell of a good dragon deck. It revolved around getting King Dragun out to the field, which he did in both rounds. We had a few ruling disputes, especially when I played Hammer Shot while his Dragun was out on the field. He claimed that it targeted him since he was the one being affected. The judges ruled in my favor, of course. I beat him in 2 rounds fairly easily, but it was a nice deck nonetheless.


Match 2: Me vs. Earth/Aggro

            This was a deck filled with Berserk Gorillas and DD Assailants. My TERs hurt him a lot, which he commented on later.


            I got to play the son (I think) of one of the Vintage Stock people that was there with my Gren Maju deck I brought with. I built it with a fire/burn/beatdown theme and this was only my second duel with it. I used Xing Zhen Hu to block out his traps, Fissured his monster, then flipped Return from the DD and got out 2 Grean Majus (at 2000), a Lady Assailant of Flames, a Solar Flare Dragon, and a Blazing Inpachi to take away over 8000 in one shot.


Match 3: Me vs. Earth Beatdown

            This deck was filled with Gigantes, Momongas, and the other good earth monsters. I was really nervous, but then I got to see a little more into his deck and it didn’t seem as if it all flowed well together. The one thing I didn’t understand was the Lava Golems…every time he just gave him something to beat him up with. I beat him in 2 rounds, but then we played a third round in which I got killed.


Match 4: Me vs. Zombie/Chaos

I was starting to feel a little cocky, especially since I got to sit at table 1, but then reminded myself that I was only 3-0 and I would only have to keep playing better people. This guy was good. He ended up going 7-0, and I’m sure he probably ended up winning the whole thing. He beat me 2-1, one of those matches using Magician of Faith multiple times on Pot and Graceful.


Match 5: Me vs. Daniel (Machine/Chaos)

            This round was against someone I knew from Vintage Stock. I wasn’t too worried since I normally beat him pretty easily. That all changed when we were 1-1 and I was down to 400. I’m not sure how I did it, but I gained card advantage and left him topdecking. I knew I had it won when I had Solemn Judgment facedown and his hand and field were empty.


Match 6: Me vs. Weird Dragon/Chaos deck

            I’m not sure how to classify this deck. He used a couple Spear Dragons throughout the duel, yet still used BLS (If I remember right). This was a very close match, last round I had BLS out on the field and he Snatched it to finish me off.


            At this point I traded someone else for some stuff. I traded 2 Drop Offs for 3 Berserk Gorillas, 2 common Creature Swaps, and 3 Raigeki Breaks….eh, not the greatest trade, but it wasn’t horrible. I somewhat needed the Swaps for various common decks.


Match 7: Me vs …..I have no idea….

            By this point I was really tired. I knew I was most likely not going to make it to the finals, and even if I did, my parents were already on their way to pick me up. I figured that if I didn’t beat him down quickly, I would probably just give up. This guy had gotten screwed somehow with a Waboku ruling earlier in the day (though I’m not sure who was really right), so he was already a little distracted. I beat him fairly quickly in 2 rounds, my Zaborg playing a large part each time. I’m not sure how he managed to win the second round, but I beat him pretty quickly in the other rounds.


            I was happy when I was finally done. However, I found out that the Top 8 people had 6-1 records, one guy with 7-0, and they were going to have to take some 5-2 players. Unfortunately, I had to go, and I know I couldn’t have stood another couple rounds of playing. I wish I could’ve found out if I made it, just for the bragging rights. I figured that I might as well leave, even if I did happen to make it to the finals and qualify for nationals, I’d never go, plus they didn’t give away any other prizes. So we left and I had some pizza and a large coke, then tried to sleep on the way home.



-         Going 5-2 at my first regionals ever with a non-CC deck.

-         Bringing a box of Cheese Nips and a bottle of water so I didn’t have to spend money on food.

-         Getting some decent trades.

-         My parents actually bringing us.

-         Newdoria being underrated. I killed at least 10 things with it today.

-         Zaborg for being underrated, it’s kill count is right up there with Newdoria’s.

-         Magic Drain for negating numerous Pots and Charities.

-         Doing that good without Mirror Force or Breaker.

-         Jordan’s prop cigarette trick…now that’s a funny story in itself…

-         Them for actually having regionals somewhat close to home.

-         Not having to play any CCWC decks.

-         Only having to pull out BLS in about 4 rounds.


-         Not getting any of the trades I wanted/needed.

-         Being so tired

-         Them not giving away any prizes other than invites.

-         Just realizing as I proofread through this that I traded for my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Creature Swaps.



AIM: leprechaun71588