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Yu Hakusho Card of the Day!

Yomi, Sightless
Betrayal Set
Avg. Standard
Rating: 4
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest
Reviewed 1.08.2005
matrix |
Yomi, Sightless God
This is an interesting King. He came out in
Betrayal, but still had the mukuro draw back of
having one it's pieces being a Tournament ghost.
This guy is strong. First his abbility to let you
draw a card when you use a card from your opponents
discard pile is quite powerful. His 2 cost for 11000
is strong enough, but then it also causes your
opponent to discard a card. Then add in Raw power,
the second strongest attack in the game, which has
its own perk of reducing the cost of the yomi bonus,
He just keeps getting better. His 4 for 14,000,
discard the top 2 cards of your opponents deck is
his biggest draw back. with a 7000 def, this attacks
doubles himself, and since most deck run malevolent
strike, he is probaly going to get hit by this. But
its an exceptable draw back for being so great. Yomi
clearly is one of the strongest kings, if not the
Overall: 4 of 5

Eyes |
Yomi, Sightless God
In this one's opinion, the best of the kings. Mukuro
is almost locked into a mill-win with her single,
weak attack. Yusuke, while stronger in attack and
defense, has his 'no effects' semi-drawback until
you lose a piece, and Raizen is...eh.
Yomi, however, is solid. All the kings save Raizen
have some sort of draw effect (Mukuro gets a card
when they play an event, and Yusuke turns a random
discard into a tutor every turn). Yomi draws when he
uses his team bonus, playing a card from yoru
opponent's discard. With Delude, everytime you use
the Yomi bonus, you draw a card, regen two discarded
cards, and mill them for one card, as well as
whatever the card you used did. Nice. His attacks
are large, 11000, 14000, and 40000 each, which can
be a drawback when you see Kenko or Ruka. Otherwise,
even with the strong defenses these days, the
attacks can maim people. Intimidation discards a
random card from their hand, and likely, with a
2-cost, will be the one most people use, as it can,
along with doing damage, fill the discard pile with
stealable cards. Blind strike is 4 for 14000, and
mills two cards, which, while it sounds useful,
tends to be the least used of the three attacks.
Finally, Raw Power is 6 for 40000, strong enough to
overwhelming kill just about anyone (base defense
wise, it overwhelms anyone in the game, period), and
lowers the cost to use the yomi team bonus by 1
spirit for the rest of the game. For the most part,
good when you have the cards, and an overwhelming
(or they already have two damage), to make
absolutely sure they die. A 7000 defense, while
large, isn't as big as it was a few sets ago, but
should keep you alive for a bit.
Lastly, the topping, the Yomi team bonus. The
ability to use a card from your opponent's discard
pile, two spirit extra or no, is HUGE. Every Burst
of Power, Yusuke's Fury, Malevolent Strike, or any
other generically good card your opponent now draws
means he has to look at it twice before he plays it.
Yes, it might help him out, but how much will it
also help you out? Also, being able to do it one per
EACH turn means that any Halts your opponent uses
also become ones you can use during his turn. All in
all, a great king. Forget about it in sealed, no way
you're pulling a full set.
Constructed 5/5 (a top tier deck)
Limited 1/5 (not happening)