Yu Yu Hakusho
CCG: Card of the Day

Image from
Expansion: Dark Tournament
Avg. Standard Rating: 2.7
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Sayjin |
This card isnt that great, but it can help. Playing a deck that is
constantly being milled? Pack one of these and it may help. Play a mill
deck yourself, but tired of being hurt by King Yama's Wrath? One of these
heals what 2 of those hits. Not a great card overall since it costs 10
spirit, can only be played once per game, and you cant attack to use it.
Mike B. Fire |
Shuffling ten cards from your discard pile into your deck would really help
you out against decking decks, but there are some drawbacks. The three
spirit cost could set you back a little (Urameshi decks have no problem with
this. Villian decks add Sakyo's Lighter).
You can only use this card if you didn't attack. That's a big problem for my
Beatdown deck, which is constantly attacking. Also, you can only play this
card once per game.
Recuperation or Botan's Toolbox, whilst only shuffling 5 cards back, costs
less AND you can still attack that turn. Then you can use another card to
shuffle it back into your deck for a later match.
I guess it's all a matter of preference. This card is nice, but it's not a
Rating: 7/10