Yu Yu Hakusho
CCG Prelude: Card of the Day

Image from
yuyuhakushotcg.com |
Base Set
Reviewed 12.11.2003
Avg. Standard Rating: 4.63
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Sayjin |
In my opinion, the best character in the game at the moment. Able to turn
your opponent's character into mush with the powerful Tiger Scream attack is
just nice. And if you dont have the cards to do a tiger scream, or they are
chu and lowered your attack by 1, you can use Primal Instincts and gain a
5/5 |
Wistrand |
Byakko is specifically suited for
beatdown. His second attack's effect piles up quickly... able to get through
most Chars defenses in about one or two attacks. Later on he's able to bust
through your opponents defensive items and makes his offensive items that
much more potent. But you really want to play him earlier, in the first or
second match. In the first match with a +2000 offensive item or a RASH
BRAWLING it's a pretty safe bet Double Double. And of course... the big St.
Beast bonus. An efficient char that provides for more card drawing is a good
choice all around. Outside of team St. Beast he makes a couple cameos in
beatdown decks. He's going to empty your hand but he's real easy on the
4 out of 5 |
BlueBoy |
Byakko |
Instincts: Gain 1 spirit. Tiger Scream: Until the match ends,
your opponent's character in the Arena gains -1000 to their
defensive value, to a minimum of 1. |
Byakko is by far my favorite character in
set 1. 4K defense is average. Then it depends on what you need. Need
some spirit energy? Use Primal Instincts. This atk cost 1 discard and
hits for 4k, and you gain a spirit. Wanting to go for damage? Tiger
Scream it up. This atk costs 2, deals 4k, and lowers your
opponents defense value 1k each time used. It is one of the most awesome
atks available. Tiger Scream combo'd with Trace Eyes usually equals
double damage, which when used with Power Strike or Overwhelming kill
means the match is done. Add in the extra card for the St.Beast bonus
and you can gain control of the match pretty easy. You can join us at #yuyutcg
on irc.creativeirc.net to discuss this and/or any other card/strat.
Question & Answer with Adam Sheehan and IQ will be Dec. 17 from 3-4:30
cst. Hope to see you there.