Yu Yu Hakusho
CCG Prelude: Card of the Day

Image from
yuyuhakushotcg.com |
Tornado Fists
Base Set
Reviewed 12.18.2003
Avg. Standard Rating: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Sayjin |
Tornado Fists:
A pretty good card. Can get up to 12k damage if you have full spirit.
But think about it, how often do you have full spirit outside of urameshi?
Decent card, nothing to shake a stick at but not a must have.
2/5 |
AlterEgo |
Thursday (12/18/03): Tornado Fists
Ah, good old Tornado Fists, with the ability of doing 12000 damage for only
2 discards. This card is basically a staple for any Urameshi deck, because
of their power, making them gain 3 spirit every turn. This technique can be
good for pulling off double damage, and even an Overwhelming kill. This is
probably the best technique in the whole 1st set.
Score: 3.5/5
Sealed: 4.5/5 |
BlueBoy |
Tornado Fists |
R164/176 |
This attack gains +1000 to
its attack value for this turn for each spirit you have. |
Technique |
This Technique is great for those high spirited
decks. I find it very useful in my Urimeshi deck. Back it up with Power
Strike or Overwhelming kill for a quick KO. AAll for one is always good as
it boosts you up for the attack. Join us in chat for further discussion on
this or any other card or strategy at #yuyutcg at irc.creativeirc.net