Yu Yu Hakusho
CCG Prelude: Card of the Day

Image from
yuyuhakushotcg.com |
Lucky Winners
Base Set
Reviewed 12.26.2003
Avg. Standard Rating: 2.95
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Sayjin |
Lucky Winners:
As with Tornado fists, how often do you have max spirit? If you can get it
off, its a great card, but otherwise its subpar at best. Get any card from
your discard pile. Really it can be a game changer. At the same time, if you
can consistantly have 10 spirit, you're either team urameshi (which should
run this), or not playing very many cards.
1.8567/5 |
BlueBoy |
"Lucky" Winners |
Pay 1 spirit:
If you have 9 spirit choose a card in your Discard Pile and put
it in your hand. Limit 1 per Deck. |
Working best in high energy decks such as
Urameshi, This card can prove to be a live saver, put any card in
your discard pile back into your hand. You can really abuse some cards
by being able to use them twice in one combat or by getting those regen
cards back into your hand to use over again. To discuss this or any
other card or strategy, join us in #yuyutcg on irc.creativeirc.net .