Yu Yu Hakusho
CCG Prelude: Card of the Day

Image from
yuyuhakushotcg.com |
Genkai the Young
Base Set
Reviewed 12.03.2003
Avg. Standard Rating: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Sayjin |
Genkai, the Young:
Not much to say here really. You run her in the 5th slot of a non urameshi
deck if you want to run her. In a urameshi deck you can run her anywhere,
just because some of the urameshi characters are lacking in the stability
Sayjin |
Wistrand |
Genkai the Young. Now Genkai is pretty
sweet even if she's a one trick pony. Right now Genkai is the fifth
charachter of choice in most decks, with Jin being a close second. Her
abilities make her lame printed attacks very efficient espescially in an
heavy item or technique deck. Her offensive +1000 and attack cost reduction
apply to any techniques as well as her printed attacks which is even more of
a bonus. 4000 defense is fairly average right now and with a defensive item
or two, or with a halt! to back her up she's not likely to get overwhelmed.
However most decks have that one I'm Calling You Out which can pull Genkai
into an earlier match which drastically weakens her. But since it's
restricted you may go the whole game without seeing it.
Unfortunately Genkai's time in the spotlight will be shortlived. Yusuke,
Unleashed in the dark tournament set could soon replace Genkai, the Young as
the 5th char to beat. And Genkai herself is getting two new versions (and
her own team). Genkai, the Young is still a top tier char but the bar is
about to get raised.
Overall 5 of 5
Not overly tricky but in the fifth and final match you won't be upset to
have her.
Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone. |