Yu Yu Hakusho
CCG: Card of the Day

Image from
yuyuhakushotcg.com |
Ancient Tactics
Dark Tournament Set
Reviewed 2.20.2004
Avg. Standard Rating: 1.93
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Israel Quiroz
(IQ) |
Ancient tactics
Heres a card that can
win you a game in about 6 turns if your deck decides to go off. I think
this card is only good when used with team Sarayashky and a Yoko in your
4th match slot. If you build your deck around this card you
can set up really fast and meet the requirements in the card then use
the Sarayashky bonus to go find Forlorn Hope and get this card for the
game. Even if the first one doesnt take out your opponent it wont take
you long to pull another one out of your deck because with your team
bonus you can easily get Demon Compass to recover the Forlorn Hope and
whatever else you might need.
Dont expect to see
this card work in a deck thats not built around it but its still good
enough to scare just about any opponent.
Rating 3.5/5
BlueBoy |
Ancient Tactics |
If your
Deck has 50 or more cards left in it and you have 15 or more
different items attached to your Sideline character, turn 15
of those items face-up without paying their spirit cost, to
discard the top 50 cards of your opponent's Deck. Turn those
15 items facedown. |
Fun but not really practical. This could
be a tuff deck, but setting up is not so easy. I have seen one and if
he gets the set up, it is deadly. Biggest problem is the time it takes
to set up. Once this problem is sloved, I could see this deck type
going places. To discuss this or other strats or cards, join us at #yuyutcg
on irc.creativeirc.net
Fun deck 5/5
Practical deck 1.5/5
Sayjin |
Ancient Tactics:
Not too great a card. The costly requirements make it not only hard to pull
off, but inconsistant. The only team that can really use this card on an
atleast somewhat consistant basis is Team Sarayashki. Not worth using unless
you base your deck around it.
Sayjin |
TheCross |
Ancient Tactics
R25 Event
Effect: If your Deck has 50 or more cards left in it and you have 15
or more different items attached to your Sideline character, turn 15 of
those items face-up without paying their spirit cost, to discard the top 50
cards of your opponent's Deck. Turn those 15 items facedown.
I hate this freaking card so freaking much! This is the cheapest card ever
made. So take a look at IQ's review if he posted one and then curse him for
the creation of this abomination!
.....ok now onto the review. Anyways this card sucks in every type of deck
except for 1: Sarayashiki. Sarayashiki decks are made for this card. Note:
an important part in this card is that the 15 items must be DIFFRENT, as in
no copies of the same card. Now this is still something a Sarayashiki deck
can do easily. This card is one of the main reasons people run Stand Off and
Halt!. However, its downside is no other team other than Sarayashiki can do
this card justice.
In Sarayashiki: 5/5
Any other team: 1/5
Sealed deck: Not only would you have to manage getting all of team
Sarayashiki in your packs, you'd also have to get this card and tons of
items and manage to make a deck thats at least 70 cards. Not gonna happen:
1/5 |