Yu Yu Hakusho
CCG: Card of the Day

Image from
yuyuhakushotcg.com |
Hiei's Essence
Avg. Standard Rating: 3.9
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Israel Quiroz
(IQ) |
Hiei's Essence
hmmm' Team Genkai. = p
If you dont see this card played in your
local area expect to see it soon because this card is very, very good
weather its used with team Genkai or not. Worst come to worst this card
can at least get 2 more cards in your deck. It might not seem like much
but just wait until you see Burst of Power near the bottom of your
discard pile and youll see what I mean.
When this card is used with Team Genkai its
simply scary because you never know when youre gona see that
Overwhelming Kill thats going to cost you the game. Like I said, if
youre not used to seeing this card then you better be careful because
Genkai decks will only be getting stronger in the future. ^_<
Rating 3.9/5
BlueBoy |
Hiei's Essence |
Pay 1 spirit:
Discard the Top 5 cards of your Deck. For the rest of the turn,
all of your attacks gain +2000 to their attack value for each
technique discarded in this way. Shuffle the bottom 7 cards of
your Discard Pile into your Deck. |
This card isn't what i would call great.
Most decks I have seen are event based. For those that do run a tech heavy
deck, this card would be awsome and a great regen card. It could set up for
other decks with a little work such as good ref, hope for a couple techs
then play it for a nice effect. Over all, I don't see this card being a
major factor.
BlueBoy |
Mike B. Fire |
A net gain of 2 cards to your deck to gain up to 10k attack power is any
beatdown deck's dream, but not just any beatdown deck can use this. This
card is for heavy-tech decks. If you only run 5-10 techs, this is NOT the
card for you, therefore, this card is specifically for decks with the GENKAI
Team Bonus. Running it in any other deck just means two more cards in your
deck and maybe a 2k attack increase.
Genkai decks: 5/5
Other decks: 1/5 |
Sayjin |
Hiei's Essence:
This is a new version of event, adding both attack and healing into one.
Being able to add +10k attack and healing 2 cards in one is very good,
especially in a technique heavy deck like Genkai. Being a tournament card
makes it somewhat hard to get, but not that hard. Personally I got 4
tournament packs and got 3 of these, so it shouldn't be too difficult.
3.6743/5 |