Yu Yu Hakusho
CCG: Card of the Day

Image from
yuyuhakushotcg.com |
Display of Power
Dark Tournament Expansion Set
Avg. Standard Rating: 3.7
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Israel Quiroz
(IQ) |
Everyone thinks this card will never work
because it s offensive but it requires you to have a high defense. All I can
say is Team Rokuyakai and here s an extra Power Strike. Everyone knows that
when it comes to beatdown decks facing each other it s all about tempo and
who can get the jump on their opponent by getting in that extra point of
damage. With this card in the environment decks don t have to go pure
offence to win because having cards like Armor of Clay are still pretty
decent and for all intents and purposes this card is another Power Strike.
Play it, attack doubling opponent and that s 3 points of damage right there.
Who said it was hard to control the tempo of the game?
Rating 4.5/5
BlueBoy |
Display of Power |
TR8 |
Pay 2 spirit: This must be the first
event you play in the Main Step. You cannot play any more events
this turn. If your fighter's defense value is greater than your
opponent's fighter's defense value deal 1 point of damage to your
opponent's fighter. |
Event |
This card does have some potential. It's not
really super powerful, but it could give you that extra point of damage you
need to win the match. I don't feel it will that great of an impact on the
game, but it is a fun card to have around.
Sayjin |
This is a very powerful card. Let's say your
previous turn you used
Power strike and hit your opponent for 3 damage. Now, you can play this bad
boy and end the match right there and then. Now you just won a match, but
the turn isnt over! Now you get to attack your opponent's new fighter.
Very good card to use if you have it.
Mike B. Fire |
This card is similar to Power Strike. They
both cost two spirit energy and
they both allow you to do an extra point of damage to your opponent's
fighter. However, unlike Power Strike, Display of Power requires you to have
a higher defense than your opponent's fighter. For characters that have a
naturally high defense, this card is great.
When running Urameshi, I try to keep this card in my hand until the last
match. When my 5th fighter, Yusuke Unleashed, comes into play, I just use
Display of Power, then do double damage. With the bonus point from Yusuke's
Beserk effect, I deal the final point. Since Yusuke's base defense is so
high, it's always a guarantee I can use Display of Power for a one-hit kill.
If you like to run events, though, there is a drawback. This can be the
ONLY event you play this turn. So if you run lots of events to get your
defense high, this might not be the card for you. It's also a tournament
rare, so it's not exactly the easiest card to get. However, if you run lots
of items and techs (including defensive ones like Clay Armor and Spirit
Shield), this would be a great card to add to your deck.
TheCross |
Display of Power
TR8 Event
Effect: Pay 2 spirit: This
must be the first event you play in the Main Step. You cannot play any more
events this turn. If your fighter's defense value is greater than your
opponent's fighter's defense value deal 1 point of damage to your opponent's
Free damage is always fun. This card screams out to all Rokuyukai decks
"Play me! Play me!" If your deck focuses a lot around raising your
characters defense than this card belongs in your deck. Now lets look at its
costs. Well, 2 Spirit Energy isn't too much so that's not a big deal.
However, being the only event you can play at all during the turn, it is
kind of annoying but that damage can be worth it. You'll see how good this
card really is when your opponent is at 3 points of damage, then your
opponent will cry as you not only finish off 1 of his characters but also
get to attack his next character. Its Fun on a Bun
Standard: 3/5
Sealed deck:
with Rokuyukai: 5/5
any other Team: 2.5/5