Yu Yu Hakusho
CCG Prelude: Card of the Day

Image from
yuyuhakushotcg.com |
Murugu, the Pestering
Dark Tournament Set
Reviewed 1.26.04
Avg. Standard Rating: 1.90
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Israel Quiroz
(IQ) |
Murugu the
lol... silly bird.
Murugu is an ok
character that when used the right way he can be really annoying.
I've seen him win matches before and have been very shocked every
single time. 0.o Even though it is possible to win a match with this
character is not very likely and odds are that you're using him to
help out Suzaku, the Fierce. This character is going to be a sleeper
until Raizen's Alliance is released in a later set, but until that
happens I wouldn't expect to see this bird at a tournament near me.
BlueBoy |
Murugu, the Pestering |
C59 |
Sideline Effect: Draw: Obnoxious: You may choose 1
card at random from your opponent's hand and have
him shuffle that card into his Deck for him to draw
a card.
Sideline Effect:
Amplify: If Suzaku is in play, all characters with
the Saint Beast Team Symbol gain +1000 to their
defense value and their attacks gain +1000 to their
attack value.
Peck: Discard a
face-up item in play. |
Character |
Murugu is a pest indeed. Hand contol,
Item control, atk and def bonuses, what can you say about it.
There are to many options here to mention, He can be a great asset
to your St.Beast line up.
St.Beast 4.8/5
other 2/5