Yu Yu Hakusho
CCG: Card of the Day

Image from
yuyuhakushotcg.com |
Stand Off
Dark Tournament
Avg. Standard Rating: 3.2
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
BlueBoy |
Stand Off |
Pay 3
spirit: For the rest of the match, players cannot use cards
that can discard cards from their opponent;s Deck. Limit 2
per Deck. |
Stand Off is nice back up to have in your
deck if your facing a nasty mill deck. Biggest drawback to this card
would be if your running mill also as it would effect both you and your
opponent. At any rate, if you have room for it, it is good to have just
incase your opponent gets the drop on you and has you up against the
ropes. Join us in chat at #yuyutcg on irc.creativeirc.net
Sayjin |
Stand Off:
Seems like a great card since Mill decks are so rampant and powerful.
Truth is though, this card is more for psychological aid than aid in the
game itself, making you feel like you can combat mill. It may help against
the poorer versions of mill, but stronger versions, such as Urameshi Puppet
and Rokuyukai, it won't matter. They can still use LOST, and Unconscious, so
it doesn't do much.
Sayjin |
TheCross |
Stand Off
R33 Event
Effect: Pay 3 spirit: For the rest of the match, players cannot use
cards that can discard cards from their opponent's Deck. Limit 2 per Deck.
This is definitly a Metagame card. If alot of decks in your area are
mill decks, then this is the card for you. If not, then there is no reason
to play it. For a Regionals situation I'd definitly want to play at least
1. All and all it's a great card against a mill deck. Against anything else
it's just attack fodder.
Standard: 3.0
Sealed Deck: Who's gonna play deck out in sealed deck? 1.0
WolfwoodTheCross |