Yu Yu Hakusho
CCG: Card of the Day

Image from yuyuhakushotcg.com
Chu, Team Captain
Expansion: Yu Yu Hakusho
Avg. Standard Rating: 3.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Mike B. Fire |
Chu, Team Captain
This is the best Chu out there in my opinion for Rokuyokai, Stall and
Beatdown decks alike. With the Buzz Attack's ability to control how many
cards your opponent must pay for an attack, you can easily prevent yourself
from taking damage.
But, with the amount of techs increasing, Chu has a hard time defending
against one specific attack. Not to mention that Buzz Attack itself costs a
bit to much for a 4000 attack. Also, his 4000 defense will become a hazard
in the future.
If you'd rather go for a quick punch, go with the Starter Chu. If you prefer
techs to printed attacks or have lots of Ogre Killers (Uber Rare), go with
Drunken Master Chu. But if you want a card that manipulates your opponent's
hand, this is the Chu for you.
Rating: 6/10
"In short, I'm a stellar guy, and the only thing i'm no good at, is paper,
rock, scissors!" - Chu
TheCross |
Chu, The Team Captain
U10/176 Character
Effect: Effect: Suiken Technique - Chu takes no points of damage from
attacks with an attack cost of 1 (after modifiers), unless the opponent pays
for minimum
1: 3500: Blurred Movement
2: 4000: Buzz Attack: Choose for your opponent's attacks to gain +1 to their
attack cost or -1 to their attack cost until your next Draw Step.
Good old Team Captain. I always like to call him Super Chu cause to me he's
the best one. I like this Chu a lot in a stall deck, especially a Roku
Stall/Mill Deck. Chu just sits there with his high defense and immunity to 1
cost attacks while you mill their deck away. Look at all the really good 1
cost attacks. Death Tree, Rainbow Cyclone and lots of character's attacks.
On top of that, if their character only has 2 card attacks you can use Buzz
Attack to lower it down to a 1 attack cost move and now be invulnerable to
that. A pesky 3 cost attack bothering you? Raise it to 4! The only thing
this Chu should worry about is minimum damage and Asato Kido's Territory
will take care of that pesky problem with ease. All and all, this is a very
nice card. I don't call him Super Chu for nothing!
Standard: 4/5
Sealed Deck: I'd say he's just as good here as he is in standard but only if
you pull Rokuyukai: 3/5