Yu Yu Hakusho
CCG Prelude: Card of the Day

Image from
yuyuhakushotcg.com |
Promise Base Set
Reviewed 11.18.2003
Avg. Standard Rating: 2.80
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
BlueBoy |
Kayko's Promise |
S105/176 |
Pay 2 spirit: Name a
non-character card. Neither player may use that card until the match
ends. For the remainder of the match, your opponent may discard the
top 5 cards of his deck at the end of his turn to end this effect. |
Event |
This card has a lot of promise. Stop the use
of a card that is really doing some damage to you for the match. It can
also be used to help deck your opponent if they feel they need to get rid
of the effect by discarding top 5. All in all, I don't feel it is uber
great but it is a good card that in the right deck can help save the game.
You can discuss this further with me and others in #yuyutcg on
irc.creativeirc.net if you wish. All are welcome at anytime.
Wistrand |
Kayko's Promise basically blanks the
text on any non-char card, keeping both players from gaining from the
bonuses till your opponent turns off the Promise or until someone wins the
match. This sounds like a good ability but it's hardly a lockdown. First of
all they can still play the card, they just dont get any effects.
Naming an item with promise only effects the field for one of your turns and
one of your opponents. If you name Armor of Clay, then if they play an Armor
Of Clay on thier turn at the end they can pay the 5 cards and the Armor's
bonus kicks in again.
Naming a technique has the same effect, your opponent can't use it next
turn, and if it gives an active bonus like Spirit Shield or Death Tree it
cancels the bonus for those turns.
If you name an event card then you probably won't get an edge from the
Promise at all seeing as discarding cards in this game is basically the way
to pay for about half the costs in the game. And they can still use events
that last "till thier next draw step" if they pay the cost or end the match
before then.
Not that turning off a card for a turn is a really bad power but there are
better cards for it. Kayko's promise is versatile though as it can effect
three different card types, but it doesnt "deal" with them for a long enough
time. The best decks that can use it are deck attack decks so your opponent
may think twice about wrecking the top 5 of his deck, but there's better
choices for those decks.
Overall 2 out of 5
My name is Michael Wistrand |
Reason |
Kayko's Promise
The lack of control cards in Yu Yu makes what few do exist (Theft in the
Dark, Halt!, and Kayko's Promise) especially valuable in any deck.
Opponent's that rely too heavily on one card or strategy can be seriously
hurt by this card, and the reliance on general staples by most decks (Power
Strike, for example) makes it valuable in any situation.
The named card cannot be played by either player, so it takes some
forethought to use this card effectively, or you may hurt yourself as much
as your opponent. Plan ahead! Also, keep in mind KP prevents anyone from
USING a card, not PLAYING it. If you KP and name Backyard Dummy, your
opponent can still play Backyard Dummy, he just can't use it while KP is in
There are two specific case rulings that anyone playing Kayko's Promise
should know about. First, if you play Kayko's Promise and name "Halt!", your
opponent can still Halt! your Kayko's Promise (it's an Event, after all).
However, if your Kayko's Promise naming Halt! is not immediately countered,
the KP resolves normally and neither player may play Halt! for the remainder
of the match.
Second, if you play KP and name itself - nothing happens. Or, rather, the KP
cancels itself and it's as if it was never played - except you have 2 less
Spirit and 1 less card in your hand.
Probably the best use for Kayko's Promise is in a Discard Deck. In this
case, KP is even better than Halt! for control, because you're either
stopping your opponent from using a key card or you're costing him 5 extra
discards. Either way, it's good for you!
Rating: 3.5/5 (4.5 in a Discard Deck)
Listen to,
-Reason |
PetitHarrier |
Kayko's Promise
If you know DBZ CCG very well, this card is Yu Yu Hakusho's 'Caught Off
Guard Drill'. When you play this card you can name another card (even
itself). Neither player may use that card until the match ends. However,
either player may choose to discard the top 5 cards of their deck to ignore
this until the end of the turn. Discard decks love this. Remove a key card
and force the opponent to choose between LOSING it, or helping you deck
them. Also, Beatdown decks could use this against threat cards, but the
discarding becomes less useful. Also, this card can keep your opponent from
using ALREADY PLAYED cards, so items can be targeted too. Very nice, but not
for everyone.
4/5 Deck/Hand Destruction
2/5 Beatdown
Average 3/5 |
Sayjin |
Kayko's Promise:
A pretty good card. Can shut down some decks, but its not that great
otherwise. Some decks, such as a decking deck, would need this card to name
things such as unconscious.
Sayjin |