Yu Yu Hakusho
CCG Prelude: Card of the Day

Image from
yuyuhakushotcg.com |
Base Set
Reviewed 11.21.2003
Avg. Standard Rating: 3.34
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
BlueBoy |
Trace-Eyes |
R121/176 |
Main: Discard this item to have
your opponent's character in the Arena gain -1500 to their defense
value for this turn, to a minimum of a defensive value of 1. |
Item |
I do like this card. It will take 1500 pts. off your opponents defense.
This is very nice when trying to get to the double damage. This is like
Byakkos signature card in my book, combined with Tiger Scream it can be
deadly to anyone. The biggest draw back is that it is only a one time use
card, you must discard it to get the effect. All in all I only feel the
card is average as it don't attach its self to your opponent for the
effect. Being one time use does greatly decrease the practicality of it,
but it can be a match winner if combo'd with other cards. You can come to
#yuyutcg on irc.creativeirc.net to discuss this card and or other cards.
Wistrand |
Trace Eyes is a pretty worthwhile item as
far as beatdown goes. It gets you 1500 closer to doing 1 wound, 3000 closer
to doing 2 wounds, and 6000 closer to doing 4 with Overwhelming Kill. The
third of those values is where the money is at. They fit into a lot of
beatdown decks, and can be played face down if your opponent is running hand
disruption/uratogi. Though it does use a spirit and if you're not running
Overwhelming then efflux may be just as good. All in all a very versatile
card and worth consideration in any deck that plans on winning matches at
least some of the time.
4 out of 5. |
Reason |
Trace Eyes
Yu Yu is a race to do damage - the more the better! Defense wins games.
Therefore, it follows that lowering your opponent's defense also wins
games... and Trace Eyes does just that. By lowering your opponent's Defense
by 1500, you are effectively gaining 3000 attack value towards doing 2
points of damage to an opponent. SInce the average Defense is 4000, this
makes the average AV needed for double damage a respectable 5000. (4000 -
1500 = 2500 Def. 2500 x2 = 5000)
By the numbers alone, Trace Eyes is better than Backyard Dummy, Katana,
Fishing Pole, or Ice Blade. Unlike those cards, however, it does cost 1
Spirit Energy, which may be a concern for Spirit starved decks, and it's
only a one shot deal.
If you really want to have fun, combine Trace Eyes with Byakko's Tiger
Scream and either Power Strike or Overwhelming Kill.
Rating: 2.5/5
Listen to,
Sayjin |
Trace Eyes:
One of the best ways to get an attack through in this game. Lower
their defense and watch em die! One good combo with this is overwhelming
kill, lower their def to 1 and even a non powered up axe blade fist can
overwhelming kill them.
4.5/5 |
PetitHarrier |
Trace Eyes
One card comes to mind with Trace Eyes; Overwhelming Kill. By itself, Trace
Eyes gives you the effect of an Efflux, as -1500 DEF is the same as +3000
ATK. So as far as doubling your opponent goes, Trace Eyes isn't all that
useful. HOWEVER, when you combine it with Overwhelming Kill you knock off
6000 of the attack needed to quadruple your opponent. Use multiple copies of
this card and you could Overwhelm your opponent with an Axe Blade Fist!
Outside of this combo, however, the spirit cost makes this card one of the
last choices in beatdown. Rash Brawling, Efflux, or any other +2000 Item
will be more useful in the long run.
1/5 Deck/Hand Destruction
3/5 Beatdown
Average 2/5