Yu Yu Hakusho
CCG Prelude: Card of the Day

Image from
yuyuhakushotcg.com |
Burst of Power Base Set
Reviewed 11.21.2003
Avg. Standard Rating: 4.88
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
BlueBoy |
Burst of Power |
G178/176 |
2 spirit: Draw 3 cards. Limit 1
per Deck. |
Event |
Good 'ol BoP. What can you say about this card. Right now it is
awesome, If you have it you should have it in your deck. If you don't
have it, you should be trying to get one. With a net gain of 2 cards
into your hand, nothing comes close to BoP for getting cards into your
hand. You can come to #yuyutcg on irc.creativeirc.net if you would like
to discuss this or any other card or even decks and strats.
Sayjin |
Burst of Power:
One of the best cards in the game. Pay 2 spirit to draw 3 cards. With
only 3 cards that draw cards, this being the best and cheapest, you should
run this card if you have it. It can turn the tide of a game. 5/5 |
PetitHarrier |
Burst of Power
Card Advantage wins games. Pure and simple. No game can escape this. When
you come down to it, a person with more cards in their hands is going to
have more options than their opponent, and with Yu Yu Hakusho demanding you
discard cards for attacks, the need for continued options is a must. Plain
and simple, Burst of Power is THE STAPLE of YYH TCG. For the cost of two
spirit energy (what you gain in one turn), you gain a net +2 cards. What
more can be said about it? Combine it with Good Ref or Ogre Killer to draw
what you want, when you want it, or use it to fill your hand back up. Burst
of Power alone makes regeneration desirable. If you can shuffle it back into
your deck to use again you will gain more and more advantage over your
5/5 Deck/Hand Destruction
5/5 Beatdown
Average 5/5
PetitHarrier |
Reason |
Burst of Power
I'll trade Spirit Energy for card advantage on a 1 for 1 basis anyday. If
you have this card, play it. Then regen it and play it again.
Combo with Jin and Alley Fight for Eikichi for a particularly nasty one turn
Rating: 5/5
Listen to,
-Reason |