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"Pokemon Best Collection" Japanese Music CD
CD Front Cover
The serious Pocket Monster collector will not want to miss out on this
great collectible! It's a Japanese music "Pokemon Best Collection" CD packaged with
10 Japanese Promotional cards. The music is nutty and wild, but really
fun to listen to! You'll find yourself humming and dancing to the bubbly
tunes. Most of us won't have a clue of what the music is all about, but that
doesn't matter! This is definitely a keeper for those long, boring car rides
when everyone could use a smile and a good laugh. My personal favorite is
midway through track #5 when we
hear James, Jessie, and Meowth do the "Team Rocket motto" in Japanese.
(Although track #6's hip-hop tune is a close second!)
Produced by the "Pikachu Records" label, the packaging is thick and sturdy
and comes with a 32 page glossy CD booklet. The booklet details the 13
different songs that are on the compact disc. The face of the CD is adorned
with a mosaic of all the most popular Pocket Monsters on a white background.
It's too bad that the CD won't fit into a card-binder--It's really something
to showcase at serious Pokemon trading sessions. Of course, the CD is a
minor treasure compared to the limited print promo cards that are safely
housed inside the back cover of the package.
The artwork on all of these Promos is unique, but some of these monsters have made
prior appearances in the card game. Note that Blastoise, Charizard, and Venusaur
have identical game abilities to the U.S. (and Japanese) Base set cards.
Their Hit Points, Pokemon Powers, Attack Moves, and other features are
all identical. Media Factory retained the same "Level" for these monsters
to clearly represent their identical game-play functionality, but in my opinion
the art on these promos are ten times more appealing than what you
find in the Base set cards.
Beyond those 3 "repeat" Pokemon, 7 all-new cards have been introduced here.
Arcanine boasts deck flexibility with an all-colorless attack requirement,
and Level 25 Mew has just about the most Hit Points that this popular
character will ever see in the card game. The two trainer cards we have
identified as "Computer Crash!" and "Super Energy Retrieval" (This one
lets you draw FOUR! basic energy cards out of your discard pile for the minor
cost of discarding two additional cards from your hand).
Along with these 10 great Japanese cards, the newest copies of this
"Best Collection" CD are accompanied by a U.S. Level 12 Pikachu card. It was
included as an introduction of the english-version TCG cards to the Japanese Pocket Monster
Card Game fans. This Pikachu is identical in every way to non-1st Edition
U.S. Base set Pikachu cards, except one: It was printed by Media Factory--not
by Wizards of the Coast. Although it uses WOTC's artwork (including
all the early revision features--no "shadow" on the picture, "99" in Nintendo's
copyright, yellow-cheeked Pikachu), it is printed on the thinner (but more
durable) card stock that the Japanese card manufacturer uses. This card
will be easy to spot in direct comparison to the U.S. manufactured Pikachu
cards, but who knows how many have filtered into the U.S. market and "lost"
as common Pikachu cards... This is definitely one of the few
instances when a card will fail the "counterfeit" tests, only to prove
itself MORE valuable than the original!
CD Back Cover
CD Insert (U.S. card description)
PORYGON (LV.15) Pokemon No. 137 |
CHARIZARD (LV.76) Pokemon No. 006 |
VENUSAUR (LV.67) Pokemon No. 003 |
SNORLAX (LV.50) Pokemon No. 143 |
BLASTOISE (LV.52) Pokemon No. 009 |
ARCANINE (LV.34) Pokemon No. 059 |
MEWTWO (LV.30) Pokemon No. 150 |
MEW (LV.25) Pokemon No. 151 |
COMPUTER CRASH! Trainer Card |
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