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Jason Klaczynski


       By now I expect that most of you have realized what looked to be impossible is happening.   15+ has a huge number of supporters now.  Hundreds of players.  And it looks like something may be done about it.

       While it may never be exactly the way it used to be, I think we have a good chance at something as long as both sides can stay reasonable.  For those of you that know Master Trainer Mike, you should know he's someone who will work his ass for the players.  And he's trying to help us out.  And that's what I'm trying to do.  Here's what I'm shooting for; here's what I think are some reasonable things to ask for to keep the game worth playing for the 15+ division:

1) 15+ (or the professors =\) get(s) better tournaments.  More tournaments will have better prizes, similar to those given out at Worlds.
2) 15+ (or the professors =/) get(s) more free trips.  Of course, this is the hardest of them all.  Trips do cost money, but they keep the players happy.   What do I think is reasonable?  Well...
I think it's reasonable to give 15+ trips at the Stadium Challenges.  Not a trip, but trips.  The larger, more organized, more supervised tournaments.   More supervised, organized events would make it run smoother...
As for how many trips?  What I was aiming at was that The Top 4 at each of the 3-4 Stadium Challenges would get a free trip to whatever Championship or large-scale tournament there was.  Of course, I don't make the decisions, but I'm trying my best to try to do whatever is best for all of us.
       Also, Origins and GenCon, and any type of big event where tournaments can be held, will hold big events, for all ages, also with good prizes.   I think we're willing to pay entrance fees.

       So basically, we want a
reasonable amount of trips- so that players who are good have a good chance at winning a trip.  Decent players have a decent chance.   We also want better prizes.  Cases to the winners of big tournaments, just like at Worlds.  While it isn't everyone's favorite: U.S. Currency, it is probably the next best thing.   Last, but not least, I think a lot of the 15+ players would like to try to get some more recognizition.  At least put some of this stuff on the web-site...   take some pictures of tournaments, post some results, post some decks... don't hide us from the world like we are a disease.

       But all we can do now is stay together, and if we're lucky, maybe we'll get something to work with back.    While we all think differently, I don't think any of us would actually be against better prizes and more trips for the game.  The 15 and older players can play, and be happy, and the 14 and under players do not have to dread turning 15.

       So, what do you guys think?   Talk to me... over AIM or E-mail.  I think what we have here are reasonable demands that we can all work with.  Just wanna know what everyone else thinks; and if anyone else has ideas?

Thanks for reading... again, lol.

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