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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Roaring Skies Cards: #6 - M Rayquaza EX (76)
/ Rayquaza EX (75)
Date Reviewed:
May 8, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.95
Expanded: 3.95
Limited: 4.63
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
For those of you who saw the
spoiler, participated at an early event of some sort, or
otherwise have some access to some form of social media,
you know very well then that there's not one Rayquaza-EX/MRayquaza-EX
lined up in this set - there are TWO!! Not unlike the
Charizard-EXs from Flashfire! Another comparison?! Don't
worry, there are actual differences this time, but I'm
blaming Otaku for bringing up the other parts of this
SO TO START, let's review the
Rayquaza-EX. This is the one you want and the one I
imagine everyone will be running - not because this one
is that good, but because the other one is that bad.
This Rayquaza-EX, you'll notice, is Colorless - as in,
not Dragon-type, that's
your clue that it's the good one. His costs are all
Colorless too, so he's splashable in just about any
deck! And that's pretty good for what he does.
Dragon Pulse is an okay 3-for-100,
but it does mill off the top 3 cards of your deck. Not
terrible, but Intensifying Burn is where the value's at!
1-for-10 sounds pitiful, but if the opposing Active is a
Pokemon-EX, you get to tack on another 50 damage for a
1-for-60 - which is fantastic! So needless to say, this
Rayquaza-EX is pretty good - compared to his brother,
who only has a vanilla attack and a coin flip to see if
he can use the other attack on consecutive attacks.
So now we're gonna come to the meat
of this review: M Rayquaza-EX...again. When I first saw
this guy, I was...well, disappointed. I was hoping for
something crazy berserk like the other M Rayquaza-EX - a
powerful Ancient Trait combined with a really powerful
attack! But recently it dawned on me, and truth be told,
this is probably the stronger of the two. But why?
First, take a look at his Ancient
Trait: Delta Evolution. There are some other Pokemon in
the set with this Ability, but the point is that you can
evolve a Pokemon that this card evolves from on the same
turn it's put in play or even on your first turn! In
other words, you can EVOLVE before you're supposed to!
While other Delta Evolutions are only okay, M Rayquaza-EX
pulls a Primal Kyogre-EX by being the most EXEMPLARY
example of the trait - and thanks to the Spirit Link
card, not even the Mega clause can put a damper on this
Lemme show you a quick combo. Turn
1: Rayquaza-EX in hand? Put him down. Rayquaza Spirit
Link? Equip it. M Rayquaza-EX in hand too? Congrats, you
just played a Mega on Turn 1. Oh wait, you don't have
either of these? Winona. You now have the quickest Mega
Evo in the TCG.
So what might turn you off of this
M Rayquaza-EX? Probably the same thing that disappointed
me about it when it first showed up: its attack. Emerald
Break is cheaper than Dragon Ascent, costing only 3
compared to 5, but it only deals 30 damage for every
Bench-sitter you've got. That's not bad though - fill up
your Bench, put down a Muscle Band, and you're dealing a
consistent 170 damage every turn. Granted, you're gonna
be running Spirit Link, so that means you'll have to get
rid of it first - but there is something else to make
the damage go up.
Remember one I briefly mentioned in
Hydreigon-EX's review earlier in the week that there's
only one Stadium in the set? Well that Stadium happens
to be Sky Field, and it's got an interesting effect. As
long as it's in-play, each player can have UP TO EIGHT
POKEMON ON THEIR BENCH!! Know what that means for M
Rayquaza-EX here? 240 damage - enough to KO anything
short of Wailord-EX.
So will this M Rayquaza-EX be
played? Undoubtedly. Like his brother, he's got a lot of
support, he's the fastest Mega Evo to get out EVER, and
while his attack is significantly less impressive, it's
got potential to do quite a bit on its own! Imagine the
look on your opponent's face when by your third turn,
you're already hitting them for 150 damage.
Well played, Mega Rayquaza. Well
Standard: 4.5/5 (can be fast to get
out, has a good base form, doesn't require any specific
Energy costs, and Spirit Link means you don't have to
end your turn right away when you play him)
Expanded: 4.5/5 (the shenanigans
that will ensue here are just as high as his brother's -
maybe even more or less so)
Limited: 5/5 (no questions asked)
Arora Notealus: You know, I
wouldn't be surprised if people ran this Mega Rayquaza
with Seismitoad-EX. Frog seems to be getting a LOT of
partners these days, just from all the experimentation -
can you imagine locking your opponent's Items down as
you set-up Mega Rayquaza? It's a slower idea, but I
wouldn't fault anyone for trying it - besides, when
you've got something this quick on your side, the only
thing stopping you is...well, Seismitoad-EX.
Weekend Thought: Liking the new set
thus far? Which Mega Rayquaza do you wanna build a deck
around? Or are you thinking of building a Fairy or
Electric deck to work on taking these guys down? Also,
shout out to Emma for joining the review team! We
welcome you with open arms...that are filled with
Next Time: And now that one Item
that could tip the scales...

Otaku |
Welcome to a very,
very big Friday CotD: not only are we looking at our
sixth most promising pick of XY: Roaring Skies
but it’s a triple feature. We don’t do a combined
review for something simple like a tie, though: we save
them for cards that at least someone on the crew thinks
is so closely related that it would be redundant to
review them separately. So today we look at M
Rayquaza-EX (XY: Roaring Skies 76/108,
105/108), Rayquaza-EX (XY: Roaring Skies
75/108, 104/108) and Rayquaza Spirit Link (XY:
Roaring Skies . Thanks to having looked at M
Rayquaza-EX (XY: Roaring Skies 61/108)
I’ve touched upon all three before, and in my defense
when I suggested doing them as a triple review, I didn’t
think anyone would nominate that M Rayquaza-EX (XY:
Roaring Skies 61/108) for the Top 10. Looks like I
forgot that just because I think something, doesn’t mean
it will be so. I also expected the idea of doing a
three-for-one review of these cards would be shot down.
I hope the other reviewers will forgive me since this
basically forces them to adopt a review style closer to
mine, and sometimes even I don’t like doing a review in
my own style. Sorry about that, fellow reviewers.
We’ll start with
Rayquaza Spirit Link; this Pokémon Tool allows you
to Mega Evolve without ending your turn. The other
Spirit Link cards have been pretty important, at
least for decks that plan to Mega Evolve. There is some
risk because Pokémon Tools are easy to discard and are
affected by Item lock. Otherwise it is a fairly simple
deal which is why I figured we may as well include it
alongside a compatible Mega Evolution. When we explore
today’s M Rayquaza-EX in more detail, I’ll
acknowledge the obvious reason this Spirit Link
is a bit more important than the average Spirit Link
Now we’ll cover
what today’s iterations of Rayquaza-EX and M
Rayquaza-EX have in common. Both are Colorless
Pokémon, allowing them to be easily searched from your
deck via Winona, and of course tap other forms of
Colorless support like Aspertia City Gym (though
that is not the best Stadium to run with M Rayquaza-EX).
Each are Pokémon-EX, so they give up an extra Prize
when KOed, can’t make use of certain pieces of support
and are subject to certain counter-cards. The Lightning
Weakness found on these cards is dangerous: while not as
devastating as some other Weaknesses, that is because we
haven’t had as many stand out Lightning-Type decks or
big, Basic attackers as some of the worst (to have)
Weaknesses can claim. Yveltal-EX has given the
metagame a major reason to foster strategies to exploit
Lightning Weakness, much like how hitting Grass Weakness
is so useful due to Seismitoad-EX. Unlike
hitting Grass Weakness, there has been much more success
for hitting Lightning Weakness, perhaps most notably
Raichu (XY 43/146). This Raichu is a
solid attacker: a Stage 1 glass cannon with a free
Retreat Cost and splashable attack that probably would
have gone ignored except that with an adequate
set-up it could OHKO Yveltal-EX. It takes a more
substantial set-up for it to take down M Rayquaza-EX,
though regular Rayquaza-EX is more vulnerable.
Rayquaza-EX and M Rayquaza-EX are also both
Fighting Resistant; it is just a small bonus, but it is
against one of the best Types in the game and the two
have the HP (especially M Rayquaza-EX) to
leverage a little more advantage out of it than many
cards with Resistance.
Focusing on just
Rayquaza-EX, it is a Basic Pokémon, the easiest
Stage to fit into decks and to get into play, which in
turns means it doesn’t have to perform as well to
provide a good return. It has 170 HP which is the lower
of the two commonly seen scores for Basic Pokémon-EX;
this is high enough that it will probably survive a hit
(though far from guaranteed). The Retreat Cost of two
is high enough you’ll want to avoid paying it but low
enough you can probably recover from the Energy loss.
It has no Ancient Trait or Ability and sports two
attacks. For [C] it can use Intensifying Burn for 10
points of damage, plus another 50 if the opponent’s
Active is a Pokémon-EX. For [CCC] Rayquaza-EX
can use Dragon Pulse for 100 damage, though you must
discard the top three cards of your deck. Intensifying
Burn is a very good attack because Pokémon-EX are so
important to the metagame; there are enough
non-Pokémon-EX attackers in the competitive scene,
however, that this attack alone wouldn’t have justified
including Rayquaza-EX on the Top 10. Dragon
Pulse is a good, solid attack capable of 2HKOing most
things that aren’t Mega Evolutions or protected in some
manner; the self-mill is painful, though Lysandre’s
Trump Card can help with that. The two attacks
combined with the rest of the card meant that if the
combined review was shot down, this would have been my
#11 pick (I like to include a few extras in case of
ties). If Intensifying Burn hit for just 10 more points
(so that Muscle Band would bump it up to 90
instead of 80) then it would have been my #10 (on the
list without combined reviews).
M Rayquaza-EX
is of course a Mega Evolution, which means your turn
ends when you Mega Evolve into it and you’ll need at
least one other card to get it into play… or as we have
established, two others to do so without losing an
attack. It boasts 220 HP; not the lowest we’ve seen on
competitive Mega Evolutions but 20 below the maximum
printed on this Stage. Still it should rarely be OHKOed
(outside of the usual exceptions) and has decent odds of
being a 3HKO. It sports a nice and low Retreat Cost of
[C]. Though it lacks an Ability, M Rayquaza-EX
sports an Ancient Trait; though it is not unique to
itself (unlike what was found on the other M
Rayquaza-EX), this is the first time we’ve seen Δ
Evolution in our reviews. This is a simple but potent
Ancient Trait because it allows you to play that Pokémon
from hand to Evolve immediately: it works for a Pokémon
the first turn it is in play, including a player’s very
first turn! This is why the Rayquaza Spirit Link
is perhaps more valuable than other Spirit Link
cards; you can go from nothing in play to a Mega
Evolution in just a single turn. Its lone attack is
Emerald Break, for which the Japanese counterpart to
this set is named: at a cost of [CCC] M Rayquaza-EX
can hit for 30 damage times the number of your Benched
Pokémon. This is the kind of “not quite there” attack
you would expect on something able to hit the field so
quickly… I mean how devastating would it be if it could
hit harder?
Yeah, it can hit
harder. We were spoon fed a deck for this card. I
don’t just mean that it combos with multiple cards from
the current set: check out
this video
from the PokemonCoJp Youtube channel. If you don’t feel
like watching it basically just shows you what I’m about
to tell you, but with a fun Japanese announcer. Mega
Turbo and/or Double Colorless Energy provides
Energy acceleration, Shaymin-EX provides draw and
Winona provides search. Plus of course
Skyarrow Bridge; this new Stadium allows you to have
up to eight Pokémon on your Bench! 30 x 8 = 240, enough
to OHKO even Mega Evolutions. Thanks to Δ Evolution you
even have a shot (though odds are low) of pulling off a
T2 Emerald Break for a OHKO. Even without a perfect
open, it just seems like a good, aggressive deck. It
also seems quite open to partners; with Skyarrow
Bridge you can either look for valuable
Bench-sitters, spare attackers or even just “filler”.
Besides the multiple Shaymin-EX you are likely
using for draw power and spare Rayquaza-EX, some
of the better suggestions I’ve heard for partnering with
this card are Mr. Mime (BW: Plasma Freeze
47/116) because you’ll have such a large Bench to
protect, Ninetales (XY: Primal Clash
21/160) to try and lock Sky Field into play,
Exeggcute (BW: Plasma Freeze 4/116; BW:
Plasma Blast 102/101) because if Sky Field is
knocked out of play you have to discard your excess
Bench, Robo Substitute because its great filler
when you need it, and even entire other attacking lines
like the earlier mentioned Raichu (its Circle
Circuit could now hit for up to 160 before Weakness or
buffs). Also remember that it is okay to have to set
the combo back up again between hits; play another
Sky Field, fill your Bench again, take the OHKO
against a 2 Prize attacker.
I don’t think
Expanded detracts from this card; I’d be a little
concerned about Eelektrik (BW: Noble Victories
40/101) as RayEels has been a long established deck and
can easily include Lightning-Type attackers to score a
OHKO. For that matter, mind the Lightning-Type Weakness
in all formats, including Limited. In Limited, despite
all the praise I have been giving the cards, Rayquaza-EX
is a decent choice for a +39 deck: Intensifying Burn
will be weak but once you get Dragon Pulse up and
running, you likely can take four quick Prizes before
you deck yourself out or Rayquaza-EX is KOed. M
Rayquaza-EX is of course useless without a Bench,
though as both are Colorless Pokémon they should easily
fit into any deck that is not a +39 build. Don’t
count on having all the other combo pieces though; I am
talking about M Rayquaza-EX just swinging for 150
for [CCC] with a regular five Pokémon Bench.
4.25/5 - Collective score for the three cards; if
specifics are needed
(XY: Roaring Skies 75/108,
104/108) - 3.5/5
M Rayquaza-EX
(XY: Roaring Skies 76/108,
105/108) - 4/5
Rayquaza Spirit Link
- 3/5
4.25/5 - A little worried about more competition, but I
suspect it balances out with additional support options.
Again if individual scores are desired
(XY: Roaring Skies 75/108,
104/108) - 3.5/5
M Rayquaza-EX
(XY: Roaring Skies 76/108,
105/108) - 4/5
Rayquaza Spirit Link
- 3/5
4.9/5 - The collective score goes up because even
without all the dedicated support, the raw power of the
card is likely to help it power through
(XY: Roaring Skies 75/108,
104/108) - 4.9/5
M Rayquaza-EX
(XY: Roaring Skies 76/108,
105/108) - 4.8/5
Rayquaza Spirit Link
- 2/5
Yes the collective score is greater than the average of
the individual scores - I really believe the entire
package improves the others and if any one of these
three hadn’t been printed, the others would have
M Rayquaza-EX (XY: Roaring Skies 76/108,
105/108) and Rayquaza-EX (XY: Roaring Skies
75/108, 104/108) are great, potent cards though a little
overhyped as some forget how hard it really is to pull
off the full set-up in just a turn or two. Rayquaza
Spirit Link is a niche card that serves its singular
but important purpose. This is the next big deck though
exactly how good it will prove is uncertain.
I actually had this
as my number two pick. I think this should have been a
bit higher on the list, but I’ve seen enough hype over
M Rayquaza-EX that I suspect this card is going
to have a hard time living up to it all, so perhaps it
is appropriate it didn’t quite make the Top 5.

Emma Starr |
Hoo my, do we have a review(s) for you today! Today,
we’ll be reviewing all of the other Rayquaza cards from
Roaring Skies, minus the M Rayquaza EX that was reviewed
a couple days ago. So, let’s get started!
First, we have the Rayquaza Spirit Link. As always,
Spirit Links are an important card for any Decks with
Mega Evolutions in them, and Rayquaza is no exception.
Even if you only have one Mega in your deck, I still
recommend you have 1 or 2 of these in your deck,
regardless of which Mega Rayquaza you’re running.
Now, let’s cover the new Rayquaza EX. The old Rayquaza
EX was a force to be reckoned with back when he was
still in Standard, but even in Expanded, he can still be
viable, with Emboar/Eelektrik support. But does this one
hold up as well?
At 170 HP, he’s right on par with many other EXs, and Electric
Weakness isn’t the best, but they’re not too terribly
popular right now, so Rayquaza EX shouldn’t have any
trouble keeping up with most other EXs, as long as his
attacks are good.
His first attack, Intensifying Burn, does a mere 10, but if the
defending Pokemon is an EX, you suddenly get a 1 for 60
attack!! How’s that for Turn 1 damage output?! Virtually
unbeatable, especially in the very early game. His
second attack, Dragon Pulse, is what seems like a boring
3 for 100 attack. However, this is when you realize this
guy is colorless. Which means if you Winona, you can get
him and Mega Rayquaza in your hand in one turn! Which
means if you have this or Winona in your hand at the
start of the match, you have a guaranteed chance of
hitting an opposing EX for 60 right off the bat! Talk
about incredible! But really, his 3 for 100 attack
doesn’t offer too much, especially since you’re forced
to discard 3 cards from your deck every time you use it.
So, you’ll most likely want to stick with his first
attack in most cases.
Standard: 3/5 (can’t get a much better early attacker than this
Expanded: 3/5
Limited: 4/5 (chances are you pulled a Winona at some point, which
means you can have even access to Rayquaza EX!)