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bullet 04.03.03  RazorClaw's Nightmare Deck
bullet 01.03.03  Deck fix with Swanton 1717
bullet 11.19.02  Crobat
bullet 11.12.02  Dark Muks
bullet 10.24.02  Dark Gengar Modified Deck
bullet 10.18.02 Duplica's Revenge
bullet 9.25.02  Jumpluff
bullet 9.23.02  Deep Dark Jungle 
bullet 9.23.02  Haymaker Deck
bullet 9.04.02  Big Lightning Deck
bullet 8.27.02  Sniggly Weasel
bullet 8.20.02  Mulligan Maniac
bullet 8.16.02  Mean Freeze

Welcome to TR Shadow's Underground Hideout. Please feel free to send me any deck, follow the guidelines, and have fun =D !

1) All decks must have a title and a strategy. That will make them sooo much easier to fix. =)

2) Please separate your deck into 3 sections Pokemon, Energies, and Trainers.

3) You may send me any deck if it needs fixing drastically or is near perfect.

4) Please state whether it is unlimited (can use any card ever released except B-day Pikachu or Ancient mew), Modified (Can only use cards from the rocket set and from sets after that with an exception of B-day Pikachu or Ancient mew), or Modified Modified (Can only use cards from Neo gen and sets after that with the exception of B-day Pikachu or Ancient mew). If you don't include this I will have to assume that it's unlimited =\ .


Pojo.com is here to provide guidance to all Pokemon trainers out there.  Whether it's the Gameboy Game, N64 or the Trading Card Game, PoJo.com provides all the wisdom you desire. 

If you have cool game tips, a killer deck, or breaking news ... send them to us.  We'll post it on the site ... and give you all the credit.  


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