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Welcome To SATOSHI's Shop!!

Satoshi was the longest running Deck Garage on Pojo Dot Com. With a craving for Raindance decks (Base Blastoise's Pokemon Power) and an awesome fix for decks that needed help, Satoshi helped change the way people play the game. Having vowed to to NEVER bash a deck (unless the author writes something like "hey, SATOSHI, you are a horrible deck mechanic.") he welcomed all to learn without threats and swearing and throwing random objects like on some daytime talk shows. Satoshi appeared in countless issues of our now out of print Pojo's Pokemon and Other Cool Stuff Magazine and several different Pokemon related books that we published. The Pojo Dot Com staff is indebted to Derek Heid for his three years of commitment to the site and our publications. Thanks for everything posted below and for your support in the Pokemon Community. Satoshi and his Blastoise will not be forgotten.

End Note from Satoshi


Older Fixes:

bullet 7.26.00 Satoshi's Deck - Kamex and Company
bullet 6.5.00 Blastoise's Code Corner
bullet 6.5.00 Archetypes: How To Beat Them - Part 6
bullet 5.29.00 Archetypes - How To Beat Them Part 5
bullet 5.8.00 Archetypes - How To Beat Them Part 4
bullet 5.1.00 Archetypes - How To Beat Them Part 1
bullet 5.1.00 Archetypes - How To Beat Them Part 2
bullet 5.1.00 Archetpyes - How To Beat Them Part 3
bullet 5.1.00 Blastoise's Code Corner
bullet 2.28.00 Deck and Japanese Card Questions
bullet 2.21.00 Digimon: Why So Popular?
bullet 2.21.00 Japanese Cards
bullet 2.14.00 Deck Mechanics

Rules and Regs

bullet 7.12.00 R&R #5
bullet 7.5.00 R&R #4 - The Solution
bullet 6.28.00 R&R #3 - The Solution
bullet 6.21.00 R&R #2 - The Soluion
bullet 6.12.00 R&R #1 - The solution
bullet 6.5.00 R&R - Situation #1

Twisted Challenges

bullet 7.19.00 T.C. #7 - Deck Two
bullet 7.5.00 T.C. #7 - Deck One
bullet 6.28.00 T.C. #7 - FINALLY!
bullet 5.29.00 T.C. #6 - You've Got Nothing To Lose
bullet 5.29.00 T.C. #6 - Running Water
bullet 5.22.00 T.C. #6 - Blocked Up Septic Tank
bullet 5.22.00 T.C. #6 - Evil Zap
bullet 5.22.00 T.C. #6 - Scary Plants
bullet 5.15.00 T.C. #6 - Revealed
bullet 5.1.00 T.C. #5 - First Batch
bullet 5.1.00 T.C. #5 - Second Batch
bullet 5.1.00 T.C. #5 - Thrid Batch
bullet 4.24.00 T.C. #5 - At Long Last!
bullet 4.10.00 T.C. #4 - The End
bullet 3.27.00 T.C. #4 - Two Decks
bullet 3.27.00 T.C. #4 - Three More Decks
bullet 3.27.00 T.C. #4 - Another Deck
bullet 3.20.00 T.C. #4 - Revealed
bullet 3.20.00 T.C. #3 - The End 
bullet 3.13.00 T.C. #3 - Two Acceptees!
bullet 3.13.00 T.C. #3 - Two More Decks
bullet 3.6.00 T.C. #2 - End
bullet 3.6.00 T.C. #2 - Late Response
bullet 2.28.00 T.C. #2 - Deck 1
bullet 2.28.00 T.C. #2 - Deck 2
bullet 2.28.00 T.C. #2 - Everything Else
bullet 2.21.00 Twisted Challenge #1
bullet 2.21.00 More Twisted Challenge #1 Acceptees
bullet 7.26.00 Fire Scrying
bullet 7.26.00 Psychic Deck
bullet 7.19.00 Whirlpool Dance
bullet 7.19.00 Speed Dark Vileplume
bullet 7.19.00 Gyarados Power
bullet 7.19.00 High Jump Kick
bullet 7.12.00 Fire It Up
bullet 7.12.00 Mini Psychic Assault
bullet 7.5.00 Raindance Turbo
bullet 7.5.00 Sneak Attack
bullet 7.5.00 Kobras and Other Poisonous Friends
bullet 7.5.00 Dark Punch
bullet 6.28.00 Prehistoric Pain
bullet 6.28.00 Hay Storm
bullet 6.21.00 Shadows
bullet 6.21.00 Better Bugs
bullet 6.21.00 Psystorm
bullet 6.21.00 The Great Outdoors
bullet 6.21.00 Hyper Agility
bullet 6.12.00 Crabgrass
bullet 6.12.00 Busy Zapping
bullet 6.12.00 Cleaner
bullet 6.12.00 Blastoise & Comp..
bullet 6.12.00 Turbo Kabutops
bullet 6.5.00 Blue-Purple 4.0
bullet 6.5.00 Copy to Destroy
bullet 6.5.00 Squirtle n' Company
bullet 5.29.00 ThunderSlash
bullet 5.29.00 Modified Blackout
bullet 5.22.00 Speedrill v1.0
bullet 5.22.00 Psychic Deck
bullet 5.22.00 The Fire Spinner
bullet 5.22.00 Dark Disruption
bullet 5.15.00 The Endless Digi-Debate
bullet 5.15.00 Dream Eater
bullet 5.15.00 Evil Hurricane
bullet 5.8.00 Yo Bench Ain't Safe No Mo
bullet 5.8.00 Aggressive Raindance
bullet 5.8.00 Alakazam's Extraterrestrial Escape
bullet 5.8.00 Washing Machine
bullet 5.1.00 PsyPant
bullet 5.1.00 Tsunami Wave 2
bullet 4.24.00 Dark Mind Dummy Disaster
bullet 4.24.00 Wigglin' Haymaker 2000
bullet 4.24.00 Tidal Wave
bullet 4.17.00 PsyKickWater
bullet 4.17.00 Wiggly-Two: A Story Fix
bullet 4.17.00 Migrane
bullet 4.17.00 2nd Turn Blast
bullet 4.10.00 AeroSponge
bullet 4.10.00 Whirlpool Deck
bullet 4.10.00 Fantoxic
bullet 4.3.00 Venustoise Power: A Story Fix
bullet 4.3.00 (Yet Another) Stall Deck
bullet 3.27.00 Fire Storm
bullet 3.27.00 All Fire Deck
bullet 3.27.00 Psyoaked Psychics
bullet 3.27.00 Uncle Bob's Myserious Gumbo
bullet 3.27.00 Improved Brushfire
bullet 3.27.00 Evopower
bullet 3.20.00 Aero-Maker
bullet 3.20.00 FirePsyLight
bullet 3.20.00 Poliwrath Bath
bullet 3.20.00 Flamink Muk: The Story Version
bullet 3.13.00 The Big Energy Removal
bullet 3.13.00 Wavy Water
bullet 3.6.00 Blizzard
bullet 3.6.00 This IS A Haymaker
bullet 3.6.00 Fighting Fenzy
bullet 2.28.00 Raindance/Energy Denial
bullet 2.28.00 Toxic Wave
bullet 2.28.00 Wiggly Haymaker
bullet 2.28.00 Tsunami
bullet 2.28.00 Hard Water
bullet 2.21.00 Fire Blast
bullet 2.21.00 Blastoreon's Wrath
bullet 2.21.00 Bugcatcher's Dream
bullet 2.21.00 Alakazam in Stall
bullet 2.14.00 Mew's Newevolution
bullet 2.14.00 Water Pump
bullet 2.14.00 Hyper Raindance (HoF)
bullet 2.14.00 Top Secret Raindance
bullet 2.14.00 Brain Toy
bullet 2.14.00 Do the Muk
bullet 2.14.00 Unbeatable Stall Deck
bullet 2.14.00 $$$ Haymaker $$$
bullet 2.14.00 Beachgoer's Nightmare
bullet 2.14.00 Mega-Overgrowth
bullet 2.14.00 The Supreme Alliance
bullet 2.14.00 Grass/Water Deck
bullet 2.7.00 Raindance
bullet 2.7.00 Bad Bus Swarm
bullet 2.7.00 Fire/Water Deck
bullet 2.7.00 Haymaker My Way
bullet 2.7.00 Breakdown!
bullet 2.7.00 AlakaTails (HoF)
bullet 2.7.00 Toxic Thrashing (HoF)
bullet 2.7.00 Zapghost (HoF)
bullet 2.7.00 The New Yoga Smash (HoF)
bullet 1.31.00 Grass/Psychic/Fighting
bullet 1.31.00 Water Power
bullet 1.31.00 New Haymaker
bullet 1.31.00 Haymakler Help
bullet 1.31.00 Psychic Blast (HoF)
bullet 1.31.00 Runing Amuk
bullet 1.31.00 Polar Vortex (HoF)
bullet 1.31.00 Stall Deck
bullet 1.24.00 Grass Deck
bullet 1.24.00 Fire Punch
bullet 1.24.00 Rain
bullet 1.24.00 Prehistoric Devolution
bullet 1.24.00 Slobro Damage Swap
bullet 1.24.00 Project Agility
bullet 1.24.00 Bug Flood
bullet 1.24.00 Fire Deck
bullet 1.24.00 Defensive Deck
bullet 1.24.00 The Last Word in Energy Removal
bullet 1.24.00 Dark Mind Bomb
bullet 1.24.00 Psychotic Thunder
bullet 1.24.00 Water 2K



Pojo.com is here to provide guidance to all Pokemon trainers out there.  Whether it's the Gameboy Game, N64 or the Trading Card Game, PoJo.com provides all the wisdom you desire. 

If you have cool game tips, a killer deck, or breaking news ... send them to us.  We'll post it on the site ... and give you all the credit.  


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 c-1998-200This site is not associated with Nintendo, Wizards of the Coast, Creatures, or GAMEFREAK. Pokemon, Gameboy, and Gotta catch 'em all! are registered trademarks of Nintendo.

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