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Orange Islands League
These are reviews of the episodes from the Orange Islands League.
- Ash catches a Pokémon
- Misty catches a Pokémon
- Tracey catches a Pokémon
- Jesse catches a Pokémon
- James catches a Pokémon
- A Pokémon is released, traded or given away
- A Pokémon returns, is traded or given back
- A Pokémon evolves in this episode
If a badge appears next to a title, the badge is obtained in that episode
82. A Scare in the Air!
83. Pokeball Peril
84. The Lost Lapras
85. Fit to be Tide
86. Pikachu Revolts
87. The Crystal Onix
88. In The Pink
89. Shell Shock
90. Stage Fight!
91. Bye Bye Psyduck
92. The Joy of Pokemon
93. Navel Maneuvers
94. Snack Attack
95. A Shipfull of Shivers
96. Meowth Rules
97. Tracy Gets Bugged
98. A Way Off Day Off!
99. The Mandarin Island Miss Match
100. Wherefore, Art Though, Pokemon?
101. Get Along Little Pokemon
102. Mystery Menace
103. Misty Meets her Match
104. Bound for Trouble
105. Charizard Chills
106. The Pokemon Water War
107. Pokemon Food Fight
108. Pokemon Double Trouble
109. The Wacky Watcher
110. The Stun Spore Detour
111. Hello Pummello
112. Enter the Dragonite
113. Viva las Lapras
114. The Underground Round Up
115. A Tents Situation
116. The Rivalry Revival
- Indigo League - - Johto Journeys -
-Johto League Champions-
- Master Quest -
-Johto League -
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