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Mattedesa's Deck Garage
No Creatures / Land Deck
April 30, 2007

Today we have a very unique deck. Most decks run between 20 and 25 lands. This one has 41! Check this one out:

4 Life From the Loam
3 Wrath of God


4 Fatsbond

4 Crucible of Worlds
4 Zuran Orb

4 Blinkmoth Nexus
4 City of Brass
4 Gemstone Mine
2 Grand Coliseum
4 Ice Flow
4 Maze of Ith
4 Mishra's Factory
4 Oasis
3 Riftstone Portal
4 Strip Mine
4 Treetop Village

4 Naturalize
1 Wrath of God
4 Deserted Temple
4 Henge of Ramos
2 Petrified Field

This is a deck I threw together to play casually. It's lost to very few decks, but has a problem with Stasis decks and Token generating decks. The token deck it lost to was able to create a gigantic army of squirrels while keeping all of my lands tapped. My friends and I are going to be having a type 0 (Anything Goes) tournament soon, so I would appreciate any help you could give me with this one.


(Note: Sean sent in two decks in this e-mail, so this is an abridged copy of what he sent me. I decided to tackle them one at a time in separate articles. Deck two will come later.)

Well, Sean, I must say that I was delighted to see this deck. This is a unique idea! Perhaps it has been done before, but I've never seen it! It makes me want to go right out and get the cards to make this deck!

Because of the unique nature of this deck, I'm going to depart from my usual "take out this, put in that" format. It's clear that you (unless someone built this for you) have a pretty good knack for deck building already. Sometimes, if you have played a deck for a while, it just helps to get another opinion on it for a fresh perspective. So, I'm just going to kind of brainstorm some ideas I have had over the past couple of days since I first read your e-mail.

It appears to me that the ideal way for this deck to work is to get Fastbond, Zuran Orb, and Crucible of Worlds in play. Once that happens, you can play as many lands as you can draw, sacrifice some to Zuran Orb to gain some life back from what you lost to Fastbond, and replay them again with Crucible of Worlds for potentially infinite life. Maze of Ith, Ice Flow, and Wrath of God stop creatures while you set this up. The win condition is any of the 12 lands that can become creatures.

So, those are the crucial cards. What else do we have in this deck?
Life from the Loam is the only other non-land card, and it works well for bringing land back to your hand if you can't get Crucible of Worlds, or if you DO have Crucible in play, you can keep dredging it to put more cards in your graveyard, and with Crucible, lands in your graveyard = cards in your hand.

Other than that, we have 10 lands that can produce on mana of any color. The only colored requirements you have in your deck are white and green, so I wonder if you might be better served with some sort of dual green/white land. Take your pick here - there are bountiful choices. I think those 10 colored sources are about right - they should guarantee you the one or two white or green you need. You might even consider using the cycling lands from Onslaught as a way to draw more cards in helping you find exactly what you need. Then you can bring them back with Life from the Loam and do it again.

Oasis is probably the only card in this deck that I'm pretty sure you can safely take out. Preventing one damage and not even providing mana just isn't strong enough for this deck. I'll mention some possible replacements here in a minute.

Riftstone Portal is good, because if you can sacrifice it to the Zuran Orb, all your mana color problems are over. Strip Mine, while it doesn't directly help you win, is amazing here because it can be used over and over again with Crucible of the Worlds to be a one sided Armageddon.

I though long and hard about what cards might make this deck run a little more smoothly, and one card I thought of was Enlightened Tutor.

It can help you search for Zuran Orb, Crucible of Worlds, or Fastbond.
To deal with the problem you mentioned of token decks, I thought of Glacial Chasm. The life loss can be big, but it might give you that extra few turns to find your Zuran Orb. The Stasis matchup is hard for everyone, but if you can get Fastbond out (and with Enlightened Tutor you have essentially 8 chances to draw it) with a few lands in your graveyard, you should be able to take care of it.

The only other thing I can think of to adjust is your choice of creature-lands. Gods' Eye, Gate to the Reikai would work perfectly with your infinite life combo, because every time you sacrifice it, you get a 1/1 creature, so you have your huge swarm of creatures to take out your opponents. And for fun, you might even squeeze in a copy of Dark Depths. With your huge potential for mana and holding off attackers, that might actually work!

For your sideboard, I like your choices except for Henge of Ramos. I think you might be better served with a set of Regrowth. This way, if someone has some artifact/enchantment hate they are beating you with (or if you find yourself dredging away your key cards), you can get them back.

I haven't played this deck to know exactly what the best build would be, but If I was going to practice this deck, I think I might try something like this:

4 Life From the Loam
3 Wrath of God
4 Enlightened Tutor

4 Fastbond

4 Crucible of Worlds
4 Zuran Orb

4 Blinkmoth Nexus
4 City of Brass
4 Gemstone Mine
2 Glacial Chasm
4 Ice Flow
4 Maze of Ith
3 Gods' Eye, Gate to the Reikai
3 Riftstone Portal
4 Strip Mine
3 Treetop Village
1 Dark Depths

4 Naturalize
1 Wrath of God
4 Deserted Temple
4 Regrowth
2 Petrified Field

Some other cards that crossed my mind were Nantuko Monastery (4/4 land creature if you have threshold) and Vesuva, but I can't decide what you might take out for them.

Thanks again for sending in this great deck idea. I'm going to be keeping my eye out for a good deal on some of these cards and maybe try this one myself at my local card shop for casual games!

- mattedesa



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