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PoJo's MTG League

Welcome to Pojo's Magic League!  You have all wanted a place to play, and well, now you have it! There are a few things you have to do first, though.

#1 - You need a Person-2-Person program that allows both players to connect to each other. You can download Magic Work Station or Apprentice.  Without either of these, you can not play.  Please note, we do not develop MWS or Apprentice.

#2 - Download Winzip if you haven't already. This a free program that will allow you to open "zipped" files. (A zipped file is a compressed folder, which speeds up download time.) Use Winzip to "extract" the files to any folder. (I would suggest something like C:\Program Files\Apprentice.)

#3 - Download the most recent patch. A "patch" is simply a file which holds card data for ALL the cards. If you are downloading the most recent version of the program, it will probably have an updated patch with all the recent cards, but be sure to check! You can find the most recent patch on the same site from which you downloaded the program.

#4 - Now you play over the internet, but you to find people to connect to! You can use IRC or you can use our Tournament Forum on the Message Board. For IRC, download mIRC or use our chat client.  We are on server irc.surrealchat.net and channel #pojo.

(Other note: we used to have a ladder type league, myleague, however that terminated due to lack of interest. If there is sufficient interest, and people play regularly, I will be willing to bring it back.)



Here are the basics for playing a game, these are also the same basics I use when playing a game online with someone:

1. First go to File and scroll down to "Deck Editor" (Ctrl + K) click on this.
2. It will show two columns, one that has all the cards, and one for your deck.
3. To add a card to your deck click on it and click the add button. You can even type in the name of your deck.
4. After you're down with creating it, click on the red disk icon to save your deck.
5. Now that you have your deck, I'll talk about the other things.


1. There are two ways to play: "Solitaire" or "Connect via the Internet". Solitaire is to play by yourself and to get a feel for the program. Connect via the Internet is to play against someone on the net. Who knows? You could be playing someone halfway across the world!
2. Go to file and select new game.
3. VERY IMPORTANT: To put a card face down, hold SHIFT and click on the card you want to put down. This will place the card face down on the table. If you don't want to place a card face down just drag it out to the table normally.
4. After each player's turn you must right click on the table and select the option "End your turn". This will end your turn and give the other player control. At the bottom of the screen it shows who's turn it is.
5. Oh yeah! I forgot to mention. You probably noticed the chat box at the bottom. Here you can chat with your opponent and view what is happening in the game. WHAT IS THAT!? Your name is SCRUB??? Well, don't worry you can change this, LOL. At the top go to "Options" and then select "Set Name", here you can type your nickname.


CALM DOWN!!! Here's how:

1. Go to "File".
2. Select "New Game.
3. Make sure you have your deck and instead of checking off "Solitaire" check off the circle next to "Connect via the Internet".
4. A pop-up box will appear and it will ask for your opponent's IP number. On the bottom of the box is your IP number, if you want to play against someone just ask them their IP number and type it in. Then click "ok". The person who is getting called by YOU checks off "Waiting for call" and clicks "ok". You should be playing in no time!!! Enjoy!!

- Brian W.

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