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Mattedesa's Deck Garage
Mono-Green aggro deck
May 15, 2007

Hi, I'm Nathan, this is my Mono Green deck. It is built for a t1 tourney, but it needs more disruption and speed. It looks like a T2 version with a few T1 cards in it, but it has potential. At my last T1 tourney, I came in 11th out of 30. I want to keep in Silhana Ledgewalker, so leave this guy in, no one can deal with him. I play 5 proxy so my proxies are noted in the deck list. Please help me out!

18 Forest
1 Pendlehaven
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Uktabi Drake
4 Silhana Ledgewalker
4 Dryad Sophisticate
2 Groundbreaker
4 Scryb Ranger
4 Giant Growth
4 Moldervine Cloak
4 Rancor
2 Might of Old Krosa
3 Berserk3 proxy
1 Black Lotus-proxy
1 Mox Emerald-proxy


Well, Nathan, I must admit up front that older formats such as this aren't my strong suit, but I spent some time looking through cards, trying to get some ideas for bolstering your deck. Keeping as strictly as I can to your theme of the fastest creatures and pumping them up as efficiently as possible, I think you've got just about the best selection of creatures and pumpers you could have. I don't know that you can make this much faster. That said, my guess is that you often stall out. You start off strong, maybe take your opponent down to 5 or
6 life, then can't finish them off, because you're at the mercy of the top card of your library.

If you're going to be at the mercy of the top of your library, you might as well make sure there's a good card on top! We can do this with Sylvan
Library. This would be the only card in your library that's not a creature, mana producer, or creature pumper! This is good, because while your strategy needs to be focused, you have to have some help if the game goes on past turn 4 or 5, and the Library should give you that. But what comes out? That's a tough choice. I would probably drop the 4th copy of a few cards (Maybe Rancor, Moldervine Cloak, Scryb Ranger, and Uktabi Drake?) to make room for a playset of Libraries. I didn't choose any of those cards to remove because they aren't good, but because Rancor and Moldervine Cloak are reusable, so once you see one, there's a good chance you don't need another, the Ranger is 2 mana for a 1 power flier and probably the least powerful of your creatures, and the Drake because it's often going to be a one shot card that deals damage once and goes to the graveyard.

Speaking of reusable cards like Rancor and Moldervine Cloak, another one that comes to mind is Resize from Coldsnap. At one colorless and a green, it costs one more than Giant Growth, but it can be used again and again. Use it on your Groundbreaker, then pay to get Resize back when he dies at end of turn! I'm not sure Resize should replace Giant Growth or Might of Old Krosa - I can argue either way - so I'll let you make that decision.

I don't know if these two suggestions helped anything or not, but I do hope I pointed you in the right direction. More speed isn't what you need here as much as a little bit of staying power. You asked about disruption, but green's not good at disruption, and I'm afraid squeezing something else in there would hurt more than it helps.

Still, if you really need something, Ohran Vipers might be a possibility at the cost of slowing you down a little. I'm not going to reprint a decklist because I think you need to playtest this a little bit instead of just accepting what I said. The particular decks you play against in your area are going to have a lot to do with exactly what works best.

Thanks for sending in your deck, and let me know how it works out!




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