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Mattedesa's Deck Garage
Vulturous Zombie/Mill deck
May 8, 2007

Hey Mattedesa,

Before i tell you the bad points let me shine some light on the deck =)

The deck i am currently using works quite well but needs professional help. With this deck you can win in two ways 1) decking out the opponent 2) killing them with a 20+ creature with flying. The combo consists of a Vulturous Zombie (gets +1/+1 for each card in opponents graveyard since it was played) which you pump up with a glimpse the unthinkable (+10) or a traumatize (+ alot) this allows you towin with a 20+ creature that has flying, if the creature doesnt work you could always just deck them out.

What i love about this deck is that even if you run out of important cards later on in the game(Glimpe the unthinkable/Traumatize) you can always use Drainu, Lich Lord to flashback all the glimpses in your graveyard and win the game. The thing about this deck is that even if you dont get the cards you need (glimpes, vulturous zombie or Drainu) you can transmute a Dimir infiltrator (usefull even if not transmuted) to obtain a glimpses the unthinkable or transmute a Brainspoil (also usefull) t
o obtain either the combo card vulturous zombie, Drainu, Lich Lord or traumatize.

There are only 20 lands in the deck however to obtain more lands there are birds of paradise, elves of deep shadow, farseak and artifacts such as dimir signet, Golgari Signet, and Simic Signet. I believe that only 20 lands work out fine because if you add them all up you can have a combination of 10 swamps, 10 islands, and 10 forests., not including the the artifacts and spells.

The Darkness
The problems i face is that it loses to decks which are too fast such as a goblin deck, occasionally a burn deck will whip my ass as well. I believe that there are a couple of cards in my deck which are just useless and need to be replaced however i dont know which ones.

I usually go through a couple of games with out ever needing cards such as sudden spoiling or plaxcaster frogling (its ability) Also ive been wondering if twincast would be useful to add into the deck but never had the chance to try it out. Thnks for taking your time to read my babble and if there is anything you can help me with to improve this deck i would greatly appreciate it.

Deck list-----

Creatures (17)

4x Vulturous Zombie
2x Drainu, Lich Lord
4x Birds of Paradise
4x Dimir Infiltrator
2x Elves of Deep Shadow
1x Plaxcaster Frogling

Other Spells (23)
2x Traumatize
4x Farseek
2x Brainspoil
2x Putrefy
2x Compulsive Research
4x Glimpse the unthinkable
2x Diabolic Tutor
2x Sudden Spoiling
1x Dimir Signet
1x Simic Signet
1x Golgari Signet

Lands (20)
2x Forest
2x Swamp
2x Island
2x Underground river
2x Breeding pool
2x Yavimaya Coast
2x Llanowar Wastes
2x Watery grave
2x overgrown tomb

total= 60

I like it! This looks to be a fun deck! You explained pretty well what this deck does, so I don't need to go back over that for our readers.
The synergy between milling and the Vulturous Zombie is amazing. There is one main issue as you mentioned: fast decks.

There are two basic ways you can deal with this problem: Speed up the deck, or slow down your opponent's. Currently, it seems your deck can't decide which way wants to use. In the case of your deck, the longer the game goes on, then better for you (more cards to come out of their library!), so we're going to tweak your deck to be more of a control deck. So far, for control cards, you have Sudden Spoiling, Putrefy, and Brainspoil (in a pinch). For speeding your deck up, you have Birds of Paradise, Elves of Deep Shadow, Farseek, and three signets for mana acceleration, Brainspoil, Dimir Infiltrator, and Diabolic Tutor for tutoring, and Compulsive Research for card draw.

Putrefy is a top notch card. Let's put in two more of those. Sudden Spoiling is usually going to be only a Fog, so out it goes. Dimir Infiltrator, while it transmutes nicely for Glimpses, I don't think does enough. Let's help out your early game by slowing your opponent down. Insert 4 of your favorite counterspell (Mana Leak is my suggestion in this instance).

I'm going to suggest also that you drop the Elves of Deep Shadow. With the Farseeks, Birds, and signets, I think you have enough mana fixing.
In their place, I would like to insert Plaxmanta. This will serve a similar purpose to the Frogling, except do it to all your creatures, and as a surprise—never underestimate the value of surprise. In a pinch, he can also be a surprise blocker to mess up your opponent's combat choices. With 3 Plaxmantas, you don't need the lone Frog anymore.

I imagine you just mistyped, but your land count comes out to be 18, not 20, from what you listed. I would probably fill those two spots with something that can produce green - some sort of dual land or pain land if you can get a hold of it - otherwise Forests will do alright.
You want to make sure you have your early green mana for Birds and Farseek.

I've got several other ideas of what would work well in your deck, but I just can't decide what should come out! Everything seems to have a place, and your card selection is good. If you made these changes, your deck list would look like this:

Creatures (17)
4x Vulturous Zombie
2x Dralnu, Lich Lord
4x Birds of Paradise
3x Plaxmanta

Other Spells (23)
2x Traumatize

4x Farseek
2x Brainspoil
4x Putrefy
2x Compulsive Research
4x Glimpse the Unthinkable
4x Mana Leak
2x Diabolic Tutor
1x Dimir Signet
1x Simic Signet
1x Golgari Signet

Lands (20)
4x Forest
2x Swamp
2x Island
2x Underground river
2x Breeding pool
2x Yavimaya Coast
2x Llanowar Wastes
2x Watery grave
2x Overgrown tomb

total= 60

Some other cards I thought of that I just couldn't fit in:

Induce Paranoia: A bit expensive at 4 mana for a counterspell, but it adds to your milling theme.
Gemstone Mine: In case you keep having colored mana problems.
Damnation: Would be a good fit to play a turn before your Vulturous Zombie, but I have a hard time telling people they should go and get a $20 card… Hail Storm/Rolling Spoil: These are the best cards I could find in your colors to deal with weenie hordes. Hail Storm would kill your Birds and would be bad if you had Dralnu out, but it might save you the game. Rolling Spoil might knock out a few creatures as well as slow down your opponent's mana production. Neither are great answers, but still possibilities.

Twincast: You asked about this in your e-mail, and it might work, but I just can't think of what it would replace. Plus, the double blue in the casting cost might be a hardship, especially since the spells you would want to copy are likely to have already cost you a blue.

You seem to be doing a good job of realizing your weak spots. Keep alert about what causes you problems, and maybe one of these other cards will help fill the holes.

I hope these suggestions help! May you swing away with many a 23/23 Zombie!


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