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Mattedesa's Deck Garage
Time Spiral Block White Rebels
June 26, 2007

Hello as you can see from my heading i am building a mono white time spiral weenie constructed deck i am on a budget so i cant get too many chase rares.


Deck List

21 lands

17 plains

1 Flagstones

3 New Benalia


23 Creatures

4 Knight of the Holy Nimbus

4 Icatian Javelineers

4 Children of Korlis

3 Amrou Scout

2 Defiant Vanguard

2 Romosian Revivalist

2 Blades of the Sixth Pride

1 Akroma, Angel of Wrath

1 Angel of Salvation


16 Spells/Enchantments

4 Judge Unworthy

4 Sunlance

3 Marshaling Cry

2 Even the Odds

2 Griffin Guide

1 Lumithread Field


My deck seems like it is too slow and kind of weak against everything. But I really like it but i would like it to be stronger and faster. Is there any way you can help me?


Okay, let's get right to it. The basic plan of this deck is to get as many rebels in play as you can, as quickly as you can, take out their creatures, and punch damage through.


A quick Gatherer search shows us the best rebels:


Amrou Scout: Almost all of your rebels are 3 mana or less, so the scout is your best searcher. +1 Amrou Scout


Blade of the Sixth Pride: 3/1 for two is about as good a quick attacker as you are going to get. +2 Blade of the Sixth Pride


Knight of the Holy Nimbus: 2/2 for two is a staple, especially since it's a nuisance for your opponent with it's regenerating ability. Keep the 4 you have.

Amrou Seekers: Evasion is important. Most opponents will have a hard time blocking the Seekers, forcing them to deal with them immediately. +4 Amrou Seekers.


Aven Riftwatcher: Life gain in and of itself isn't great, but when it's on a 2/3 flier, I say go for it! +4 Aven Riftwatcher


Defiant Vanguard: This guy can block and kill nearly anything and still be used as a searcher. +2 Defiant Vanguard


Ramosian Revivalist: A bit expensive, but worth having the two you currently are playing.


What does that leave out?


Icatian Javelineers: They're not rebels, and their effect is just not strong enough to warrant a spot. -4 Icatian Javelineers.


Children of Korlis: Might arguably be good enough to stay, but I think you're better off being aggressive instead of sitting back preventing damage. -4 Children of Korlis.


Now for the non-creature spells. An automatic inclusion is Bound in Silence. Since it's a Rebel Aura, it can be searched out by your Scout or your Vanguard. +4 Bound in Silence


Judge Unworthy is a good card, since it takes out creatures and helps you find what you are looking for in your next couple draws. Sunlance is decent, but I'm afraid we just don't have room for it in this deck. At sorcery speed and only targeting a non-white creature, it's a bit clumsy. -4 Sunlance. 


Marshaling Cry is fun, but I'd rather see you give all your creatures pump every turn and give yourself another beater with Celestial Crusader. Too bad it's not a Rebel. -3 Marshaling Cry +2 Celestial Crusader (only two due to its higher casting cost).


The creatures Even the Odds gives you are too small, and most of the time (hopefully), you'll have more creatures than your opponent, making this a dead card. -2 Even the Odds.


Lumithread Field just isn't strong enough. A weenie deck needs to be more aggressive than this. -1 Lumithread Field.


Griffin Guide can make an average creature into a real threat. Keep the two you have.


Hmm...this puts us at 61 cards. The Angels can stay since your deck otherwise lacks a big finisher. I think 21 lands is okay in this deck due to the fact that nothing costs more than 4 mana. I'm hesitant to take any lands out,  so maybe you could go down to 1 Ramosian Revivalist since it costs so much to activate, and there really aren't many rebels worth spending that much on, especially since you can search out another one from your library for cheaper. -1 Ramosian Revivalist. Now we have 60 cards. 

Deck List

21 lands

17 plains

1 Flagstones

3 New Benalia


29 Creatures

2 Celestial Crusader

4 Knight of the Holy Nimbus

4 Amrou Scout

4 Amrou Seekers

4 Aven Riftwatcher

4 Defiant Vanguard

4 Blade of the Sixth Pride

1 Romosian Revivalist

1 Akroma, Angel of Wrath

1 Angel of Salvation


10 Spells/Enchantments

4 Judge Unworthy

4 Bound in Silence

2 Griffin Guide


See if this doesn't make your deck a little more consistent. If you'll notice, we have a lot higher concentration of creatures, and fewer non-creature spells. This should make your deck more aggressive instead of putting you in react and stay alive mode. If you can put your opponent on the defensive, the battle is halfway won.


I'll leave you today with a play tip. Forgive me if you already know this and practice it regularly, but it's very important to take advantage of the instant speed of the rebels searching ability. Search for Rebels at the end of your opponent's turn or right after they declare attackers so you can surprise them as much as possible. The element of surprise is your greatest ally. Have fun!


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