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Sean From New York's Deck Garage
Goblin Strike Deck Fix
June 29, 2007

Ok, here's a new deck fix, and sorry I've been awol on the updates, but RL can be a bit hectic, particularly when you're working! :D  So, here's Goblin Strike!

I stopped playing MtG for awhile, and just came back about two weeks ago.  I have a black control deck that works exceedingly well, and decided to try the aggro approach for a change.  So, I put together this goblin beatdown deck.
Creatures (x24):

Raging Goblin x4
Goblin Grappler x4
Goblin King x3
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker x2
Goblin Warchief x3
Goblin Sharpshooter x2
Akki Coalflinger x2
Goblin War Marshall x4
Instants/Sorceries (x10):
Soulblast x2
Empty the Warrens x4
Goblin War Strike x4
Enchantments (x2):
Gratuitous Violence x2
Lands (x24)
Mountain x24
I semi-based this deck on the Goblin Rushing deck that Bmoor reviewed way back in February, as I have nothing else to compare it to (my local gaming store has Magic on Thursdays, when I have other *ahem* "stuff" going on).  The theory of the deck is the same as Goblin Rushing.  Make a pantload of goblins and bash away as quickly and as much as you can.  Goblin Sharpshooter and Grappler are there to take care of Wellwishers and crap like that, Goblin War Strike is to take the player(s)' life down further, and Soulblast in case need for an emergency suicide strike should be necessary.
In theory, my friend who I play MtG with said that this deck would own.  However, being a thirteen year old with no income other than 5 bucks a week if I do the dishes, I don't want to throw down the 55 dollars that I estimate this deck will cost without knowing how well a professional thinks it will do.

    Ahhh, a Goblin deck, there are so many out there, but each is unique in it’s own subtle way.  And, in my personal opinion, Goblin’s are significantly more annoying than Elves, but maybe that’s because I’ve lost to so many more Goblin decks over the years!  And while Bmoor, Mattedessa, and I appreciate the idea of us being thought of as professionals, we are all just humble deck garage mechanics, though feel free to continue lavishing us with praise!
    Firstly I’d like to say that it’s quite refreshing to see 24 lands in a deck.  Many people forget that even with a low mana curve you still need consistent land drops, so good for you!  And as I looked through the deck list I notice “Goblin War Marshal,” a card which doesn’t show up in the Gatherer.  Since you said this deck takes it’s cues from the deck that Bmoor reviewed, I’m going to assume you meant Mogg War Marshal.
    Ok, with that said let’s take a look at your selection of Goblins!  There are many, many different Goblins in circulation, and even a deck built on a budget can be positively devastating if it packs the right suicidal weenies.  Raging Goblin is a good 1 drop in the sense that you can play it first turn and get off a point of damage, however, after that it becomes dramatically less relevant.  If you’d like, you should consider possibly subbing him out for Goblin Balloon Brigade or Utvara Scalper.  The Brigade requires R each time you want it to jump into the air, but it only costs R.  Utvara Scalper costs 1R, has flying always, has 2 toughness, and attacks every turn.  I’d probably lean more toward the Scalper just because of the toughness and continuous evasion, but I think this is more a matter of personal preference.  Another option would be subbing Raging Goblin out for Rite of Flame or Seething Song.  The Rite nets you some extra red mana, and can add to the storm count of Empty the Warrens, and the Song can power out some of your more expensive spells while still potentially adding to the storm count for the Warrens.
    Goblin Grappler is good because it is a simple solution to dealing with obnoxious utility creatures such as Wellwisher, Birds of Paradise, etc etc and with a Goblin King in play, he’s likely to survive to do it again.  Speaking of the King, I like him, as do I like all the remaining selections of Goblins in your deck.  I do believe your friend was right when he said this deck would “own.”  One other Goblin that you may wish to locate and add to the deck would be Goblin Matron.  When she comes into play she allows you to add any Goblin card from your deck to your hand, making her a valuable tutor.
    As for your remaining spells, Soulblast is useful as an ace-in-the-hole if your army of red weenies is facing annihilation.  Empty the Warrens is a good way to produce more Goblins, particularly if you’re getting ready to unleash your Goblin War Strike, though getting the storm count up high might be tricky at times, but this deck doesn’t rely on Empty the Warrens to win, so it’s not a serious concern.  And lastly there is Gratuitous Violence.  This costly enchantment allows all those inevitably hasted Goblins to hit away for extra damage, putting your opponent on a clock.
    Overall, I’d say this is a pretty good Goblin deck.  You’ll have to tweak it depending on the metagame environment of your playgroup, but it will definitely be fun to play with!  Thanks for sharing this deck with here at Pojo Harry, and may all your War Strikes win you the game!


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