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Pojo's Toybox
GS Pokémon: Series 1
Hasbro has decided to release the new 100 Gold and Silver Pokémon in three series. Series 1 Battle Figure, Combat Figure, and Small Bean-Filled Plush assortments are starting to surface across the world.
The first series of Gold and Silver Pokémon includes 32 characters.
Below is a list of the Pokémon included in Series 1, aswell as a scan of the poster, which was available through Toy World stores in Australia with the purchase of any Hasbro Pokémon product.
#152 Chikorita
#153 Bayleef
#154 Meganium
#155 Cyndaquil
#156 Quilava
#157 Typhlosion
#158 Totodile
#159 Croconaw
#160 Feraligatr
#161 Sentret
#163 Hoothoot
#165 Ledyba
#167 Spinarak
#173 Cleffa
#174 Igglybuff
#175 Togepi
#179 Mareep
#182 Bellossom
#183 Marill
#187 Hoppip
#192 Sunflora
#195 Quagsire
#199 Slowking
#207 Gligar
#209 Snubbull
#212 Scizor
#214 Heracross
#232 Donphan
#234 Stantler
#239 Elekid
#242 Blissey
#249 Lugia
#250 Ho-oh
When most of these Pokémon have been produced and released as Battle Figures, Combat Figures, Small Bean-Filled Plush etc, then expect the release of Series 2 Pokémon.
Series 2 Pokémon WILL include Pichu, Aipom, Unown, Sneasel, Magby, and Entei just to name a few.
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