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Winning Warrior Hand Control deck - Night Elf Wolf
Date: Sat, 02 Jul 2005 22:56:41 +1000

Woah its me! Thats a shock isnt it. I have been living on a small insignificant blue-green planet orbiting a large unregarded yellow sun*.
Just like everyone else.

Now about two weeks ago, i went to Gamescape, a gaming convention for TCG's and minatures in Sydney, Australia. Aaaaaaaaaaanway, i went to the $500 tournament. First round and Third round, i lost. Stupid top decked V-lords (yes i ran Zombie Chaos, well at least in my side deck. My deck was actually a lot stronger without the zombies). In the other rounds, however i won (wow!).

For those of you who want to know, i was running a Warrior Hand Control deck, monster lineup looked like this:

Airknight x2
DDA x2
Magician of Faith x2
Mystic Swordsman lv2
Blade Knight
Zombyra the Dark

Something like that anyway. I probably could have won if i hadn't switched to zombies half the time. But anyway, halfway through the enjoyable event (in which i bought about 6 packs of TLM and only holo i pulled was Master Monk [CRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP{And this Saturday i bought one and pulled an ultimate Hecairosphinx or whatever its called, the 2400 atk one}]) some guy comes up to me, looks through my deck and says "man what a copy".

I'm not sure about you, but i think my lineup was pretty original. Who runs reaper in warriors? Who runs two airknights? Who even runs Zombyra? Who runs Mystic Lv2?

I was rather proud of this deck but that guy there was just living to put other guys down. Like some other people, who are about 25+, they mock me for paying too much for cards. They call me "meathead" and stuff like that.
Hello? You are playing a childs card game! sheesh. Sorry about that but i really needed to blow it off. And also, to that other idiot, wherever he is, who has a morphing jar, a royal decree and 3 d.d.assailants? It sure aint you :P.

ok maybe i am just blowing off some steam. But anyway, the point is to be NICE to people. Sheesh, some guys are just really really really mean. Go join the Vogons**.

While I am here, not doing my History and Maths homework, let us indulge in the delightfulness of my English jokes and Return from the Different Dimension and Cyber Jar.

Soooooooooo old chap. Won any wars recently?
One shot down 17 geris in only one spitfire Absolutely Marvellous show Bravo Bravo! Now let us eat some scones before visiting Wimbledon Ah one suspects it will be ruined by rain again Blasted Ruffians!
Too bloody right!
Wot wot?
And we are all, very very drunk.
Actually this is Ribena
Argh *shoots gun* good ol Winchester
And thats the end of that story. Now get the *insert inexplicit word here* out of my home.***

But anyway, some of you may know that i have asked f00b for his Draw Engine deck. Well i have tested it a bit, it has done well (actually i havent tested it in my regular tourney yet, for some reason or another, stupid team tournies). Anyway, i first questioned his strange use of Return, since he only ran D.D.Warrior Lady, Dark Magician of Chaos and Black Luster Soldier as his RFG cards. Man was i wrong, let me give you the FULL lowdown of this OUTRAAAAAAAAAAAAGEOUS card.

First of all, there is the (somewhat) ultimate question; Which is better?
Return or Dimension Fusion? It's obvious to most of us. Sure Dimension Fusion lets you keep the cards, big whoop. Wanna know why Return is better?
Ok. Return's cost is half your life points, it is much more flexible than a straight 2000. So in late game, where it counts, this card is brilliant.
Also, while Fusion lets you keep your monsters, REALLY, would you ever use it when you were not going to win? It also has the handy fact that your opponent doesnt get any monsters, very helpful on a clear field. Lastly, its a trap, while sometimes a disadvantage, IT CAN WORK THROUGH MIRROR FORCE!

Now everybody has been talking about D.D.Survivor. I talked to a couple of guys at my local shop about it.

Azza: So what do you guys think of D.D.Survivor?
Alex: Hmm its a good card.
Eric: Yeah, i mean, searchable and it negates DDA and DDWL.
Azza: I think its a bit overated myself, after all, what if your opponent doesnt run in RFG cards?
Alex: Well its a searchable 1800 dark, its always good!
Eric: Exactly.
Azza: Hmm, i still dont like it much. 3/5 for me.
Alex: Ahh your being a bit cruel to it. 3.5/5, it can do stuff.

Ok that wasnt the exact transcript, but you get the point. However, i consider Return the TRUE counter to Bottomless, DDA and DDWL. While they laugh over their 1 for 1's, you just bide your time (or abuse those drawing
cards) till you get a DMOC removed/BLS summoned and heavy storm.

Return is the ULTIMATE KILL CARD! Seriously, Late Game this is your saviour.
Mid Game this is your best friend. Early game, it is better not draw but still. In a Draw Engine deck focused on pure speed it is brilliant. Be careful though, the card has several conditions.
#1, you MUST run DMOC with this card. No buts, DMOC is the main card you will be using this with.
#2, your deck must be EXTREMELY fast. I mean with apprentices, DMOC, many faiths, merchants, cyber and morphing jar, basically any flip and deck thinning.
#3 scapegoats = anti swarmage of your own = not good with Return, scapegoats must be at 1 or 2.
#4 you must run TONS of destruction/manipulation. Return is ONLY good when there is a clear field or that you have decree/jinzo and opponent doesnt have book/goat/controller face down.

Ok its not THAT specific, but you need to run a fast deck and DMOC with it.
Which brings me to my second review.

Cyber Jar!

I used to not like this guy, but now i LOVE him. He is probably the most fun card to play. When he Dark Hole's, it can often be a 2/3 for 1. And then, if they attack into it, they will probably have to set many m/t's, which can lead to heavy storm for MORE card advantage (btw, several people at my local store have told me to shut up numerous times about card advantage, needless to say they arent the best players).

The hand replenishing effect is nothing short of g0dly (hits self for using 7331). Ok, your opponent draws five too, but the thing is this; Have you noticed that Delinquent Duo is utterly broken? Have you noticed that Magician of Faith and Apprentice Magician (which btw, was used in my area in like Janruary, it was great for getting Scientist out) are being played tons, along with Dark Magician of Chaos? Well as f00b said "Unless you play in an area which doesn't play Delinquent, doesn't play BLS, doesn't play monsters (etc no area is like this so listen to me). You need the Jars to get you back into the game. Morphing Jar is #1 here but Cyber is #2."

By the way, i seem to quote f00b a lot. This is because i printed out one of his essay long emails to show to Reza (#1 in Aus) about the fixes he rather unwisely made. I read the email when i need inspiration, its a toast to you, f00b. Trust me, f00b, Jae and Tony (sheckii) are the smartest guys on the site. Tranorix and EMoD arent pretty good too but Dark Paladin is a complete and total idiot, Evan is rather conceited. Coin Flip is hilarious, as is Ace of Spades, both of who i worship. Must.....hail......hilarity. And you know we got a Deathstar!

Back to Cyber Jar, its an awesome card. It is brilliant when you are losing, as it is more game changing than Morphing Jar. While Morphing can be a huge source of card advantage, Cyber is better if you need to save your................................................... behind.

So thats the end to my babblings, i will be posting several deck fixes and two tourney reports soon. Stay tuned and email me as always at shiny_golden_boy@hotmail.com and ill reply sooner or later.

*whose primitive life forms were so amazingly unintelligent that they still think that digital watches were a pretty neat idea. Now this planet has, or had a problem. Most of the people living on the planet were unhappy for pretty much most of the time. Lots of suggestions had been made to solve this problem, but many of these involved the movements of small green pieces of paper which is odd since it wasnt the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy. And so the problem remained. And a lot of the people were mean, even the ones with digital watches. So one day, two thousand years after a man had been nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change, a small girl in Witminsworth, sitting on her own, finally realised how the world could be made a good and happy place. It would work, and nobody would have to get nailed to anything.

**Props to anyone who actually understands all these weird jokes. For those of you who don't, tu sei molto stupidone****!

***Props to anyone who actually has seen this.

****Mi chiamo Azza. Io sono molto intelligente. Tu sei stupidone. Io sono palare Italiano. Tu sei non palare Italiano*****.

*****Yes i don't know how to speak Italian properly. So sue me******.

******Do not sue me*******.

*******These last two points had no point********.

********Neither did that one*********.

*********Nor this one**********.

**********I am a Night Elf Wolf!


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