Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the Day
/ Effect Monster
This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 1
WIND monster in your Graveyard from play. When this
card is destroyed and send to the Graveyard as a
result of battle, your opponent discards 1 card
randomly from his/her hand.
- Wind / 4 / 1700 / 700
Card Number
- IOC-022
are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being
the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating
Date Reviewed - 5.06.04 |
dawnyoshi |
Slypheed isn't too bad at all. It's a special summon,
it has average attack strength, and its effect is
true annoyance. It's basically saying to your
opponent, "hey, want to attack?"
Of course, your opponent may just do that. 1 card
isn't going to kill them all the time, or perhaps
they have emptied their hand already. Perhaps they
want to use monster removal on Slypheed, which works
as well, since it requires your opponent using a
card up in his/her hand. Either way, it will cost
the opponent to destroy Slypheed.
Constructed: 3/5
Limited: 3/5
Slypheed's ability in limited isn't as useful as in
constructed, but the special summon ability
certainly helps bring out higher level monsters. |
ExMinion OfDarkness |
Tuesday gave us a modified Yata, Thursday gives us a
modified Don Zaloog.
You only have to remove one Wind monster, and you
get a 1700 attacker with the only part of Don
Zaloog's effect you actually use. However, you're
giving up an extra card in hand (as you're most
likely summoning the same turn you use this). I'd
only use this if you -KNOW- you're going to get the
discard. It IS witchable, so if you have a wind in
the graveyard, it might be something to think about
grabbing if you can get rid of an opponent's monster
However, I personally think you're better off
playing a Don Zaloog with an Equipment card on it
rather than risking having this be a dead card in
your hand without any monsters to special summon it.
Keep in mind, people ARE playing Kycoo more these
days because of the two Envoys, so if your opponent
knows this is coming, they'll remove all your Wind
monsters in order to keep this card stuck in your
But at least you have Slate Warrior as backup in
this kind of Deck. In threes, if you want to stand a
2.75/5 Wind Deck |
Tranorix |
Thursday: Silpheed
Silpheed is yet another remove-from-grave-to-summon
monster, in my opinion one of the better ones. For
it you remove a WIND monster; WIND is another
attribute for which it shouldn't be too hard to find
good monsters; off-hand I can think of Yata, Spear
Dragon, and Slate Warrior. These certainly won't
inhibit very many decks.
The stats aren't bad; 1700 is fairly respectable. It
can take out most monsters in a typical Control
deck, and it can hit for a nice amount of damage if
need be; but of course, it gets obliterated by the
everyday Beatstick. 700 DEF is, well, pretty bad.
That's fine though; you (probably, possibly) WANT
Silpheed to be destroyed. When it is, your opponent
discards one card from his hand. Okay. There's
really not much more to be said about that; it can
be good and bad. It's bad if you get something like
Despair from the Dark or Sinister Serpent, and it's
good if you get something like Raigeki or Duster.
It's definitely a nice little effect to have, and
Silpheed certainly couldn't hurt in a Wind, Control,
or, dare I say, Wind-Control deck.
Typical tournament deck: 3/5
Wind-Control deck: 4/5