Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the Day
/ Effect Monster
Remove 2 WATER monsters in your Graveyard from play
to Special Summon 1 "Legunga Token"
(Plant-Type/WATER/2 Stars/ATK 700/DEF 700) in Attack
Position on your side of the field.
- Water / 4 / 1700 / 500
Card Number
- IOC-027
are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being
the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating
Date Reviewed - 5.10.04 |
dawnyoshi |
Lekunga is one of the few good plant monsters in this
environment. 1700 ATK isn't too bad at all,
especially if you're playing with something like A
Legendary Ocean. This monster's effect also helps
use your graveyard if you don't have a Monster
Reborn at the moment. Lord Poisons, for example, are
pretty worthless once they hit the graveyard, so why
not use them to make some tokens, which could be
used for sacrificing? This monster's even better
with Fairy King Truesdale, who, with Legendary Ocean
on the field, can allow you to summon 1400 ATK
tokens. This card is great for rushing into the
opponent for a quick finish.
Constructed: 3.5/5
Limited: 2/5
Limited is another story. It's hard to get the
attributes you really want in a draft, making this
guy a little weaker. |
ExMinion OfDarkness |
Okay...now I specifically said last week that if you
have to remove two monsters to get something into
play, its effect better OWN. And for 2 monsters, we
get....a 700/700 monster token.
It's 1700/500...so it's Witchable, but not
Sanganable, and no other 1500 or less ATK searchers
can get it out. A Legendary Ocean lets it get under
Gravity Bind, and makes it into a Beatstick. Only
problem: Gaggagios + 7 Colored Fish + Giant Red
Seasnake + Sea Serpent Warrior of Darkness = too
many Beatsticks already! Let's not forget Giga
Gaggagio and Terrorking Salmon, who, when ALO is on
the field, are not only non-tribute, but laugh in
even Summoned Skull's face.
...and even worse, the token is stuck in ATK
position. The only way I'd play this card is if that
token either drew, discarded at random, or skipped a
draw phase if it did battle damage to the opponent's
life points.
1/5 even in a Water deck not because its stats are
so horrible but because we already have so many
better cards. |
Tranorix |
Monday: Lekunga
We're starting off this week with some Plants, the
first of which is the mighty Lekunga! He’s a WATER
type, which is good; with ALO on the field he
becomes a level 3 1900, which is very good. His
effect is meh. Removing two monsters is a pretty big
cost, one that you might not always be able to
fulfill; and in this case it probably isn't worth it
to fulfill the cost anyway. It summons a weak little
token to your side of the field.
This token has bad stats and no effect. So I suppose
you could use it as tribute bait for a high-level or
for something like Cannon Soldier...but more often
than not you won't be able -- or won't WANT -- to
nuke two of your monsters for a little do-nothing
All in all, Lekunga is a fairly solid monster with a
mediocre effect that might prove useful in a pinch.
Try him in a Water deck or Plant deck (or a...Water
deck with Plants) and you might like him.
Typical tournament deck: 2/5
Water/Plant deck: 3/5