Level 6
2450 atk 0 def
Plaguespreader Zombie + 1 or more Zombie-type
Non-Tuner type monsters.
Negate the effects of effect monsters destroyed by
Battle with Zombie-type monsters you control.
Card Ratings
Traditional: 1.50
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.
3 is average.
5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 12.16.08
Revived King Ha Des is a nice Synchro mosnter who is
Level 6 with 2450 attack and 0 defense and a Dark
Zombie-type monster who is Synchro Summoned by a
specific monster, in this case Plaguespreader Zombie
and one or more Zombie-type non-Tuner type monsters.
Now, for an effect that I'm sure surprised players
across the Yugioh world, you negate the effects of
effect monsters you destroy with Zombie-type
monsters you control as long as Revived King Ha Des
is on the Field.
Definately a strong and powerful card that bring
even more power to a Zombie Deck. It does kind of
suck that it requires a specific monster to be
Synchro Summoned, but it does help add some balance
to a great card.
Traditional: 3/5
Advanced: 4/5
Art: 5/5
General Zorpa
Revived King Ha Des
Well, it is a Dark Ruler Ha Des except with no DEF
stat and it is a zombie. A level 6 zombie to be
completely correct. This guy will negate most
effects thatyou find annoying, especially pesky
Morphing Jar, Ryko and destroy in battl effect
It is most useful because of the fact that it is a
level 6 Synchro that can actually attack for
something. A zombie deck will use this guy as an
intermediary Synchro on their way to a hefty level
8. That way they can revive it with Book of Life or
Mezuki and Synchro all over again or just keep the
Ha Des for beat down.
Basically it is good to have in your extra deck
because of rogue decks as well as it being nice to
have a Plaguespreader Zombie Synchro, as the little
beast is everywhere and it could become very useful
if you ever have to face down a ZOmbie deck, as you
can then proceed to smack face with thier own
Synchro, kind of fun yes?
Mr. Random
Revived King Ha Des
Level 6
ATK/2450 DEF/0
"Plaguespreader Zombie" + 1 or more non-Tuner
Zombie-Type monsters
Negate the effects of Effect Monsters destroyed by
battle with Zombie-Type monsters you control.
Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare
Another Synchro that needs Plaguespreader Zombie to
Synchro Summon. For this to see any play it will
need to be working with a Zombie Deck. It has 6
stars just like Doom Kaiser, but it gets its effect
from the original Dark Ruler Ha Des, but for
Zombies. This wouldn't stop much because the effects
mainly used in today's games are Main Phase 1
effects. Revived King Ha Des would negate about one
thing per deck usually, any monster searcher or any
flip effects monsters the opponent has. Not really
worth the trouble in the end for using two cards to
summon him.
Traditional: 1/5
Advanced: 2/5
Revived King Ha Des
this card is basically Dark Ruler Ha Des as a
Synchro. Was Dark Ruler good? Yes. Is he still? Yes.
Does him being a Synchro really change anything? Not
really. He's just that much harder to bring out now,
and with his effect being exactly the same, it's
pointless to run multiples. If you're running Dark
Ruler in your Fiend Deck, it's good to have this guy
as backup, but nothing more.
Traditional: 1/5
Advanced: 2.5/5
Jeff Lang
Revived King Ha Des
Level 6
2450 atk 0 def
Plaguespreader Zombie + 1 or more Zombie-type
Non-Tuner type monsters.
Negate the effects of effect monsters destroyed by
Battle with Zombie-type
monsters you control.
Ultra Rare
Todayʼs card up for review is Revived King Ha
Des. I am not too crazy about this card to be
honest. Donʼt get me wrong, the effect is amazing,
but not in the meta we are in right now. The game is
all about big boards and such, so not a lot of
monsters with effects would get negated by this guy.
If the game tempo slows down a little bit, I can see
this card being a staple for zombie decks.