Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the Day
Soul Demolition
Card Number
- LOD-014
are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Date Reviewed - 07.01.03 |
wartortle32 |
SomeGuy |
Tuesday - Soul Demolition
Continuous Trap
You can activate this card's effect only when you have a Fiend-Type monster on your side of the field. You must pay 500 Life Points to use this effect. Both players select 1 Monster Card from their opponent's Graveyard and remove them from play.
Soul Demolition is one of the worst Continuous Trap cards I've ever seen. It's actually quite funny how bad this card really is.
The only deck type that this card would even affect would be something that revolves around Recursion. And until we
receive some better Monster Reborn variants, it's not going to be a very strong deck type.
And to make it even worse, it's limited to decks that run a decent amount of Fiends. It doesn't matter though, this isn't a card you should even consider Side Decking let alone Main Decking.
Just go ahead and throw it into your shoebox with the rest of your less-than-mediocre Common cards.
Rating: 1/5 |
SandTrap |
Adam F. |
DuelMonster |
Soul Demolition:
Continuous Trap
You can activate this card's effect only when you have a Fiend-Type monster on your side of the field. You must pay 500 Life Points to use this effect. Both players select 1 Monster Card from their opponent's Graveyard and remove them from play.
Well, out of all the card to remove monsters from opponents Graveyards, this is the
weakest. For one, you have to have a fiend, which I personally
don't run too much of in my current decks, but because of Ha-des allot of fiend decks are going to become a little popular. Second you have to pay 500 lp whenever you want to use the effect, sure you can use it as many times as you want as long as you have the lp to spare, but I think it's only good to use as a counter to your opponent attempting to special summon a monster from their Graveyard, which they probably won't attempt more than once a turn anyways. Third, your opponent gets to choose and remove a monster from your Graveyard too, that's never a
benefit, even if you don't plan on reborning them, Fiber Jar would make it hurt
a little.
I would use Disappear over this card any day since you can remove more than monsters, even in a chain, and your Graveyard remains safe. So as you see, I really don't care for this card and would NEVER (yeah I say this now but who knows) put this card in any deck.
Casual: 1.5
Tourney: 2 - Only in a Fiend deck
Artwork: 2.5