Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the Day
Monster Recovery
Card Number
- PSV-066
are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Date Reviewed - 07.17.03 |
SandTrap |
Monster Revovery
QuickPlay Magic
Select 1 of your own monsters on your side of the field and combine it with your Deck. At the same time, combine your hand and Deck together and shuffle the Deck. Draw the same number of cards that were in your hand from the shuffled Deck.
This card is trash, so I won't take a lot of time for it. You lose card advantage, and a monster on the field, just to shuffle your hand and get a new hand one card less than what you originally had. Maybe good for Exodia...and nothing else.
Rating: .7/5. Do yourself a favor and don't play this card.
*Tosses card into growing bonfire* |
DuelMonster |
Thursday - Monster Recovery:
Quick Play Magic Card
Select 1 of your own monsters on your side of the field and combine it with your Deck. At the same time, combine your hand and Deck together and shuffle the Deck. Draw the same number of cards that were in your hand from the shuffled Deck.
This is a very multi-purpose card, since it's quickplay meaning it can be played on your opponents turn you can use it in so many tight spots that it makes it sometimes annoying or frustrating for your opponent. There are so many combos you can pull off with this card: you can use it to just try to get a better hand, use it with Change of Heart to put one of your opponents monsters back into their deck and then get a new hand, use it with Serpentine Princess to activate her effect, preventing Fissure, Raigeki, Dark Hole, NoC, Mirror Force and others from destroying one of your monsters, preventing you opponent from Change Of Hearting or Creature Swapping a good monster, use it after you flip a flip-effect monster so you can use it again later, you can return your Jinzo to your deck so you can activate a trap, it even help to not deck out so fast because you only draw the number of cards that were in your hand and doesn't count the monster that was returned. I've even used it to get a Kuriboh that was Cyber Jared or Morphing Jar#2ed to the field back into my deck so I can get it into my hand for better usage. I never thought of it till now but it can help get Exodia pieces back that landed on the field too.
The only bad thing is that it can become useless if you only have one monster and don't want to chance leaving an open attack for your opponent, but with Lava Golem coming out soon:Fire/Fiend/8/3000/2500 Effect: This monster must be Special Summoned on your opponent's side of the field by offering 2 monsters on your opponent's side of the field as a Tribute. This card inflicts 1000 points of Direct Damage to the Life Points of this card's controller during each of his/her Standby Phases. When you Special Summon this monster, you cannot Normal Summon or Set a monster during the same turn. You can use it to either make it so you don't have enough monsters for them to tribute or wait till it is summoned and sent it right back to their deck.
I normally don't play with this card in my main deck, it's one of those side-deck cards I only pull out for fun once in awhile, but know that I took the time to research and review it I like it allot better and might build a deck-theme around it.
Casual: 2.5
Tourney: 2.5
ArtWork: 1.0 - The picture looks like it sucks, literally, not like sucks in a bad way. |
Vortex XD |
July 17
Monster Recovery
QuickPlay Magic
Select 1 of your own monsters on your side of the field and combine it with your Deck. At the same time, combine your hand and Deck together and shuffle the Deck. Draw the same number of cards that were in your hand from the shuffled Deck.
Hmm, this card brings back memories of a past life. Exodia Decks used it often before Penguin Soldier was realeased, to help return the Head into the Deck, safe from destruction. Also, I remember a couple of people actually playing this in Beatdowns (side deck at least). Well, that was the past, this is NOW. Monster Recovery has limit its uses. Now, it just isn’t good anymore. If you think about it, you actually lose -2 cards: Monster Recovery and the chosen monster. It might benefit that you get a new hand, but, in reality, you lose a potential monster. That MIGHT help, after you use Cyber Jar or something, but that little combo isn’t suggested. You should always TRY and keep your hand at best, along with your field. If you want a card that helps keep monsters safe, go Penguin Soldier ;X.
BAH, PGD is FINALLY out in my area! Time to playtest some of these cards ;/.
Causal: 2/10
Tournament: 1/10 |