And here we have yet another card
that we'd thought would never get
moved up from Limited, another card
that my Final Countdown Deck
Level Limit is definitely more
powerful than Gravity Bind. I really
like Gravity Bind's surprise factor
in remaining facedown until you
really need it, but surprise factor
has nothing against the physical
manipulation you get from toying
with battle positions. This becomes
especially important when Dark Armed
Dragon, Caius the Shadow Monarch, or
Judgment Dragon is made vulnerable
even after they destroy this.
Additionally, Lyla, Lightsworn
Sorceress, is hopeless against this
card. Also, Jinzo is leagues more
popular than Spell Cancellor or
Horus the Black Flame Dragon.
What I always rage about is how
Messenger of Peace never got the
same restrictions as Level Limit
has. It is far more common to have
low-Level monsters with good ATK
than high-Level monsters with paltry
ATK! I mean, yeah, Level Limit
trolls opponent monsters that have
weak DEF, but, but, but....
Anyway, this card has lost a lot of
its popularity over the years. 3 MST
and Heavy Storm aren't kind to
Continuous cards, either.
Furthermore, Level 3 monsters are
not as rare as they were a few years
back. With that in mind, Level Limit
(but never before Gravity Bind)
tends to be one of the first cards I
kick out while side-decking. I keep
it in the Main Deck and don't side
it out often, though, as, like
Marshmallon, it can completely
cripple certain decks, such as
Gladiator Beasts.
Oh yeah, and about the Trap/Spell
destruction vulnerability thing... I
got any of Battle Fader, Marshmallon,
Threatening Roar, or Waboku to
protect me once that happens, and
chances are I have my second Level
Limit ready to go in my Hand. In my
experience, it's not that big a
Niche Decks: Stall (includes any of
Final Countdown, Exodia, Mill),
Low-Level (includes Normal Decks),
Xyz Swarm
Traditional: 1/5 (ahahahahahaha)
Advanced: 2.6/5
Comparison to last format: Good
answer to BLS is good, but it won't
stop him from blasting your monsters
one-by-one to the Shadow Realm,
which is why I actually run BLS in
Final Countdown. Lately, Level 3
monsters have had increasingly high
standards for their ATK scores (all
of the Inzektor's notable plays
involve Level 3 monsters or Xyzs,
but the fun thing is that Inzektor
players tend to forget they increase
their monsters' Levels a lot, giving
Level Limit one last laugh before it
gets Hornet'd...the problem being
that Centipede or Dragonfly will
probably be used up for Xyz anyway).
Also, Xyz monsters are completely
unaffected by this card, severely
hurting its usefulness. I still
concede I prefer Messenger of Peace
over this as a long-term stall card,
and I wouldn't be surprised to see
Level Limit be fully Unlimited this
September. When a deck actually does
use this card though, expect it to
be used to the maximum it is
Aesthetics: 3.5/5 I think the art is
pretty cool, and I think the art is
especially nice-looking with the
green borders of a Spell Card. What
I really don't get is how Area B was
released years before Area A. What I
would really like is an Area C that
would affect Xyz monsters and maybe
a support card concerning all Level
Limit cards. They just seem so cool!
Philosophy Corner: I don't concern
myself with politics. They create
artificial categories that are
unreal, and divide people and
prevent people from thinking and
living the way they want. Freedom is
sacred. -Joshua, fictional character
of Father Joseph Girzone's
Joshua and the Children