Fire Lake of the Burning Abyss
Here we have yet another new toy for Burning Abyss,
and one that provides good support for the Deck as a
Many will see a general comparison between this card
and Icarus Attack, as that card was used to support
the top deck of it’s time in Blackwings and of
course it theoretically an even trade off of cards.
Now the great thing about this card is that not only
do the effects of the Burning Abyss monsters that
were sent to the Graveyard as the cost to activate
this card get their effects, but sending any of
Dante, Scarm, Graff, Cir or possibly even Calacab to
the Graveyard will all result in you losing no card
advantage and instead can result in up to +2
What makes this even better is that you CAN Destroy
up to 3 cards on the Field, this means that it’s
quite flexible as there may be times when you need
to only destroy 2 or even just the 1 card. This also
allows you to avoid being forced to destroy any of
your own cards unless it would be otherwise
beneficial for you of course.
This makes this card excellent to use as a reactive
card or as a card to use to reduce an opponent’s
advantage and then bring it back to your favour.
Fire Lake of the Burning Abyss also works in great
with Dante, Traveller of the Burning Abyss as when
Dante goes to the Graveyard it can add any “Burning
Abyss” card from there to the hand… Traps count just
as equally as Monsters do for Dante’s effect.
This makes it easily recoverable for use whenever
It can also be used as a discard for the activation
of the effect of Virgil, Rock Star of the Burning
Abyss as Fire Lake of the Burning Abyss is of course
a “Burning Abyss” card.
And finally Fire Lake of the Burning Abyss also
works fabulously with The Traveler and the Burning
Abyss as those monsters that were sent to the
Graveyard for the cost to activate Fire Lake of the
Burning Abyss can then simply be Summoned again.
While this card is not crucial to the success of a
Burning Abyss Deck, what it does provide is a way to
be able to keep on an even footing with other Top
Tier Decks, and as such should be used in at least
2’s if not in 3’s.
Traditional: 2. Decent card but backrow really
struggles here.
Note: This is the last week in which us Card of the
Day reviewers will be required to give a Traditional
format rating for any card, as such this will mean
that it’s entirely possible that no more Traditional
scores will be given ever again by some reviewers.
However, and since I’m nice, and because I know that
there are people out there who do like Traditional
ratings, I shall provide one from time to time but
only if I find it to be relevant to give a
Traditional rating.
Advanced: 4. While it may well be possible that the
cost (2 face-up Burning Abyss monsters) required to
activate Fire Lake of the Burning Abyss may not
always be possible, the fact that this card is so
versatile and flexible in how it can be used makes
this valuable support to Burning Abyss as well as
meaning that there is less opportunity for it to be
a “Dead” card.