Timeline -
by slingblade
Yu-Gi-Oh! debuts by Kazuki Takahashi in manga (Japanese comic) format in Weekly Shonen Jump Comic Magazine.
Yu-Gi-Oh! airs on Japanese TV. This original season was a 27-episode series which never aired in America. This season was created by Toei Animation. This series airs from April 4, 1998 - October 10, 1998.
Bandai makes Magic & Wizard Cards to coincide with cards in series.
4Kids Entertainment secures rights to dubbing the Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! animi on May 8, 2001. They partner up with Warner Brothers and release their dubbed Yu-Gi-Oh! on KidsWB on September 29, 2001 to May 25, 2002. This makes up Season 1. Yu-Gi-Oh! instantly becomes the number 1 Saturday cartoon on network TV.
In late December 2001, Mattel attains rights to make and distribute Yu-Gi-Oh! licensed toys. Mattel's license is exclusive except in Asia.
March 2002, the first set of Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG distributed by Upper Deck Entertainment and Konami are released in America. This set is Legend of Blue-Eyes White Dragon.
March 22, 2002, Konami releases it's first Yu-Gi-Oh! videogame in the U.S. for the Gameboy Color, known as Dark Duel Stories.
April 2002, Mattel ships first round of Yu-Gi-Oh! toys, action figures, etc
June 2002, Second set in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG hits streets as Metal Raiders.
Successful, Season 2 of Yu-Gi-Oh! airs from August 17, 2002 - August 16, 2003. This season spans 52 episodes.
September 2002, Magic Ruler comes and crashes the TCG series in it's third set.
October 18, 2002, Konami ships it's first Yu-Gi-Oh! videogame for the Gameboy Advance, known as The Eternal Duelist Soul.
November 27, 2002, the first 3-D Yu-Gi-Oh! videogame debuts on the Playstation 1, Forbidden Memories.
December 2002, The final Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG set release of the year: Pharaoh's Servant (Perhaps the best set of them all).
January 2003, Shonen Jump Magazine debuts in English in North America and in honor of this they package inside the magazine a free Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG promo: alternate art for Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Yu-Gi-Oh! Manga debuts in this January issue, Issue # 1.
February 19, 2003, hot on the success of Yu-Gi-Oh! videogame sales, Konami releases the first next-generation Yu-Gi-Oh! videogame on the Playstation 2, Duelist of the Roses.
March 12, 2003, the first non-dueling with cards Yu-Gi-Oh! videogame arrives called Dungeon Dice Monsters for the GBA.
March 2003, the fifth set to be released for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG is Labyrinth of Nightmare.
April 16, 2003, The sequel to the Eternal Duelist Soul Yu-Gi-Oh! videogame hits stores called World Wide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel. This is the first Yu-Gi-Oh! videogame to be made with different languages built in and used for the 2003 Yu-Gi-Oh! Videogame Championships.
April 2003, Mattel releases Dungeon Dice Monster's Board Game in America.
May 2003, Legacy of Darkness quickly is released as a set after LON.
July 2003, the seventh TCG expansion of Yu-Gi-Oh! to be released is Pharaonic Guardian.
Season 3 of Yu-Gi-Oh! airs on KidsWB from August 23, 2003 to September 4, 2004. This Season lasts 65 episodes and is the first time "Enter the Shadow Realm" is used as a subtitle under Yu-Gi-Oh!
October 2003, Magicians Force with the all mighty Dark Magician Girl is released as the eighth expansion for the Yu-GI-OH! TCG.
August 10, 2003, first Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championships 2003 is held in Madison Square Garden, New York City. Winner of Championships was Ng Yu Leung from Hong Kong, China.
October 2003, Upperdeck and Konami start off the first Yu-Gi-Oh! Mall Tour to expand the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG.
October 2003, Mattel ships the much awaited for Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Disk Launcher.
November 4, 2003, The Falsebound Kingdom is released for the Nintendo Gamecube. Due to terrible sales of the original copies of this game, Konami later decided to package 3 promos in this game. Also released on the same day was the first Yu-Gi-Oh! videogame TCG/RPG game. This game is for the Gameboy Advance and is called The Sacred Cards.
November 25, 2003, the first PC CD-ROM Yu-Gi-Oh! videogame ships as Power of Chaos: Yugi the Destiny.
December 2003, Dark Crisis is released, this is the ninth TCG expansion.
January 2004, Shonen Jump celebrates it's 1 year anniversary of Shonen Jump Magazine in North America by packaging a Ultra-Rare promo card inside of it's January Magazine. This card is an alternate art for Red-Eyes B. Dragon.
February 10, 2004, the official 2004 Yu-Gi-Oh! Videogame Championships game for the GBA ships as World Championship Tournament 2004.
February 2004, Invasion of Chaos blasts onto the scene bringing the dreaded Chaos monsters with it as the 10th TCG expansion.
February 2004, The English versions of the Japanese Structure Decks hit stores in the form of Starter Decks: Evolution. Featuring Kaiba and Yugi Decks.
March 23, 2004, Konami releases the first Xbox Yu-Gi-Oh! videogame completing their empire of Yu-Gi-Oh! videogames on every single platform console of this generation. The game ships as The Dawn of Destiny and included is the first official Egyptian God Card released to the English public. (The Winged Dragon of Ra is not tourney legal and this release was the first for the English public meaning not the god cards packaged with the Japanese version of WWE).
April 6, 2004, the second installment of the Power of Chaos Yu-Gi-Oh! videogames hits stores as Power of Chaos: Kaiba the Revenge for the PC CD-ROM. May 2004, at the E3 game show in California, Konami announces that it has a Yu-Gi-Oh! videogame in the works for the Nintendo DS. Utilizing stylus to duel with cards and possibly wi-fi features to duel against others.
June 2004, Ancient Sanctuary is released as the 11th set for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG.
June 29, 2004, Konami ships Yu-Gi-Oh! Resheth of Detruction for Gameboy Advance and Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos: Joey the Passion for PC CD-ROM.
July 25, 2004, Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championships 2004 is held in Los Angeles, California. Masatoshi Togawa, 20 from Japan is announced Champion of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG world of 2004.
August 13, 2004, Yu-Gi-Oh! THE MOVIE premieres in American theaters. This is the first American made Yu-Gi-Oh! movie, made due to popularity of Yu-Gi-Oh! in America.
October 19, 2004, FUNimation distributes 4Kids Entertainment's UNCUT Yu-Gi-Oh! DVDs. After years of petitions, 4Kids finally gives the public what they want!
September 11, 2004, KidsWB airs Season 4 of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Thanks to everyone who helped me locate information that I asked for. Those who helped, I can't remember everyone, but you're all from the Pojo boards. Thanks again! To contact me or find me, e-mail me at sennenrage@yahoo.com or find me at my site: Sennen Rage, http://www.sennenrage.vze.com