Shadi is the owner of the
Key and the protector of the Millennium Items. The first
character to meet Shadi is Pegasus, who at the time is
looking for a way to restore his wife Cecelia. He follows
Shadi to an ancient crypt, where he receives the
Millennium Eye. Shadi meets Yugi shortly after Yami
Bakura's theft of the Millennium Eye. He enters Yugi's They come to a room filled with
stone tablets that look like Duel Monster cards. All of
the sudden, the Dark Magician appears, ready to attack.
Shadi starts to call out the Blue Eyes White Dragon to
destroy the Magician, but Yugi tells the Mage that they
are friends. Shadi is amazed as the Dark Magician stops,
when in ancient times the monster would only obey the ----
5.01.04 In the comic, Shadi
kills the owner of a museum because he "defiled the area
of the gods." He then turns Grandpa's friend into a
zombie and Anzu(Tea) into a DOLL. Yugi's other self
appears. Shadi challenges him to a shadow game. If Yugi
loses. Anzu will DIE!? I don't get it. Inthe comic,
Shadi is an enemy. (Yugi even says to Shadi: "Don't you
DARE try to say that we're some sort of allies!"). But
in the anime they are friends. - anonymous
7.29.04 Shadi - Since Shadi's
encounter with Yugi in Duelist Kingdom, he has made a
reappearance. He saved Tristen and Duke from falling off
the blimp while the were searching for the Millennium
Ring, and spoke to Yugi regarding the Egyptian cards.
Shadi explained that it was he who showed Pegasus the
carvings of Slifer, Obelisk, and Ra. He also tells of
Pegasus's attempts to create the cards and how he
discovered he could not control them. In addition, he
tells of how Pegasus took the cards to Egypt to place
them with the carvings and was met by Ishizu. Before
going, he mentions that all seven Millennium Items are
on board the ship. This means that either Bakura
secretly won the Millennium Scale and it was not shown,
or (and far more likely) Shadi possesses more than one
item. Shadi appears in Bakura's room and senses his
theft of the Millennium Eye, and appears to Ishizu to
inform her that the evil has once again awakened before
mysteriously disappearing once more. |
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