Tristen Taylor Tristian Taylor - He was Joey's school friend back in the good ole days, the days when he and Joey used to pick on poor little yugi.. and then something happened to change all of that and now they are all best friends, but still Tristian shows more friendship towards Joey then anyone else in the group. It may seem that Tristian is on the Island to shove off some comical relief on the gang, but that isn't the case at all. He came onto the island to support his friends Joey and Yugi. So along with Tea and himself, they snuck onto the boat. It is said that Tristian has a secret reason for trying to become a duelist, yet we have not seen him duel. But don't let that fool you, the oaf actually DOES have dueling cards. For instance, The Swamp Battlegaurd, and the Cyber Commando are just some of the many cards he probably has at his disposal. I think that Tristian's story will become more clear in the future episodes ,,, TheBigRyo. Tristan Taylor Character
Bio Update: --------- Tristen- He is Joey's best and oldest friend, they go a long way back. He is always there to cheer Yugi or Joey on. He also has a secret desire of becoming a duelist. -Amoo23 --------- Hiroto Honda(Tristan in the dub)-Honda is a longtime friend of Katusya Jounouchi(Joey Wheeler in the dub), they've been friends since middle school. Honda used to pick on Yugi with Jounouchi, but Honda became Yugi's friend when Yugi tried to help Honda get his crush, Miho, to notice him. Honda is very supportive of Jounouchi when he has problems, which is what makes him a character. During the battle city saga, Honda develops a crush on Shizuka, which annoys Jounouchi. ^_^ -CrystalTarun ------------
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