One of the many eliminators in the duelist kingdom, his
main goal is to beat the weaker duelist on the island. He
likes to use fire to scare his opponents so they would be
easier to beat. He was able to beat Mai for all her star
chips though he lost to Yugi and lost all of his star
chips he won from Mai. - OniSlash_X10 ---------------
Panic is one of the eliminators in duelist kingdom. He
battled Mai and won her eight star chips. Yugi battled
Panic and beat him wimming back Mai's eight star chips.
Yugi gave them back to Mai. Panic had a lot of monsters on
the field when Yugi used the Swords of Revealing Light.
Yugi attacked Panic with his Gia the Dragon Champion. His
monsters were all piled up on each other when Gia
attacked. It destroyed the flotation ring on his castle
thingy. The castle fell on all the monsters and crushed
them. All of his life points were taken away. He tried to
kill Yugi and friends but the millinium puzzle protected
them. --------- Pegasus wants Yugi's millennium
puzzle desperately. In order to achieve his goal, he sets
out eliminators, Panik being one of them. Panik may be a
good duelist, but not good enough for Yugi. With
strategies and philosophy to save him, Yugi puts Panik's
LP down to zero. Panik knows that if he fails Pegasus,
Pegasus will punish him severely. So instead, Panik shoots
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