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Joey is Y -----------
6.04.04 Joey-Joey is Yugi's best friend. When the
show starts, he can't duel (Tea beats him!). Yugi
teaches him, and Joey becomes a pretty good duelist (not
as good as yugi, kaiba, or pegasus, though). They go to
Duelist Kingdom together, yugi to save his granfather's
soul, and joey to save his sister's eyesight (he REALLY
cares about her). yugi and joey duel their way to the
finals, where they have to face each other. yugi wins,
but gives joey the prize money for serenity's operation
(what kind of operation costs $3,000,000!?!?). Anyway,
yugi gets his grandfather's soul back and everyone is
happy. -------- 6.04.04 Joey (as this has been often said) is
Yugi's best friend and definitely one of my favorite
characters *spoiler* (especially after what happened on
today's episode-- faces the "fury" of Marik's
winged-dragon). *spoiler* --- Joey
is one of Yu-gi's best friends. When Joey was small his
parents divorced and he was seperated from his sister for
a long time. Later on Joey's sister becomes blind and Joey
vows to bring back her vision. joey wasn't actually
invited into the duelist kingdom. yu gi felt sorry for him
and let him have one of his two starchips. ------------------
Joey is the funny/stupid guy of the show as a beginner
duelists it takes him a while to learn the rules and
such but after making some good trades he gets the time
wizard which helps him win some key victories also by
beating rex raptor in episode 11 he obtains rex's Red
Eyes Black Dragon, Compared to Yugi/Kaiba he is weak
but he is still strong with red eyes. His purpose of
dueling in the tournament is to cure his sister of her
blindness her name is Serenity if he wins the prize
money he can save her vision by paying for the surgery.
- Rav Singh
---------- JOEY wasn't always a strong duelist. he had one good card "flame swordsman".until he beat rex and his rebd (i love that card). joey won almost every duel he was in except for kaiba and yugi. - Pokemonbobby1518 ---------------- Joey
is Yugi's best friend. Yugi gave him Time Wizard allowing
him to get the Thousand Dragon! Joey's favorite card is
the Flame Swordsman. His best card is the --------------- Joey is one of yugi's best friends. He is a small minded person who always gets himself into trouble. Usually he thinks he's pretty tough but that's the bad part about him. This type of personality gets him into duels that he's not ready for, but he always makes it out exept when Kaiba made him look like a lousy dog when Joey lost to him By Aznacepride a.k.a Ace Kilala ----------------- Joey is the 2nd best duelist in the world. he only lost to yugi,kaiba and duke devlin. he lost to duke devlin because he didn't have his original deck. - jovic ---------- Joey is the crazy nutcase of the group. He rarely takes things seriously, unless he's in a duel, and even then he doesn't exactly keep his cool. He has been known to take stupid risks, which sometimes don't always work out. He's always ready with a good punchline or two, and is very loyal to his friends. He very rarely thinks before he acts,and this gets him into trouble a lot- although he has improved at this a lot since he started duelling.Although Joey may act like an idiot, his heart is always in the right place. The only reason he's duelling is so that his sister can have an operation to help restore her vision. Although, why he'd need three million dollars for that is beyond me..... ------------------- Joey Wheeler nearly matches Yugi for popularity in the series and is my fave character. He enters the duelist tournament in the Duelist Kingdom on an honorable quest to win the prize money of the contest for a special kind of eye surgery for his baby sister, Serenity. His favorite card is the Flame Swordsman and he uses the very popular baby dragon/time wizard combo. Naive but sharp, Joey works best when his friends are there cheering him on. Joey's most powerful card is the red eyes black dragon. Joey plays a major part in the series as Yugi's best friend and when *Spoiler* Weevil threw Exodia off the boat headed for the Duelist kingdom, Joey recovered two of the 5 peices *Spoiler finished*. Joey wasn't originally Joey's friend. In both the manga and the TV show, Joey stole a piece of the millenium puzzle from Yugi and it made it to the school's pool some way or another (in the manga, Yugi almost went insane looking for the last peice haha) but out of pity and shame, Joey brought it back. In the manga, Joey eventually warms up to Yugi as does Tristen but in the show, Tristen and Joey become friends with Yugi instantly. Thought not possessing the best deck in the show, Joey
has a few powerful cards mentioned before. -------------------- Joey- at the beginning of the seris Joey is a very weak duelist( he lost to Tea!! )he gets a recorded tape from his sister Serenity. She's going to lose her eyesight so Joey decides to enter the tournement(he wasn't invited)the winner get's prize money which he could use to save Serenity's eyesight.joey get's a baby dragon and other cards which he traded on the ship to Duelist kingdom(where the tournement takes place).Yugi gives joey a time wizard.When they reach duelist kingdom, Joey duels Mai(one of the top duelists)Mai's winning till joey sends out Baby dragon and time wizard which makes thousand dragon and wipes out her life point's.joey becomes a better duelist and wipes out Rex(he gets his REBD 'CAUSE THEY BET ON IT, Bones(Bandith Kieth's follower),and the pardox brother's now we'll see who winnes:joey or Bandith kieth. - Bassam------------- Joey - Joey's parents divorce when he was young. His sister Serenity (dub) went with their mother. Joey really loves his sister, and wanted to enter the duelist tournament in order to win the prize money so he can pay for an expensive operation for his sister's poor eyesight. Joey and Tristan are best friends at school. Joey is the "gangster" type. He'll always try solve everything by fighting. Before he and Yugi became friends, Joey and Tristan would pick on Yugi and Yugi would take it. Though they never really tell us (in America) exactly how Joey and Yugi became best friends, both know that Yugi's Millenium Puzzle had something to do with it. Joey was never the greatest duelist, but he'll play with some kind of strategy (yeah right). After hanging around Yugi for some time, Joey has used fighting less to solve problems (though he'd gladly beat Kaiba senseless if he had to). Joey never liked snobby Seto Kaiba, especially after what Kaiba did to Yugi's grandfather. ~SoraAMy --------- Jounichi (Joey): Joey later
on becomes extremely infatuated with Mai. He also makes a
fool of himself more often because of her. Joey is much
stronger in the Duel Monsters game then at the beginning of
the series and he becomes more concerned for the others.
Joey's Japanese voice is much deeper then his English one.
No, Joey is not from Brooklyn. Also, Yami Malik takes over
his mind and makes him battle Yami/Yugi. Yugi ends up during
the battle giving Joey the Millenium Puzzle because he
didn't want Joey to get hurt. In this episode Yugi looses to
Joey and before he is forced into the watery depths below he
says 'Jounichi-kun.. Aishiteru' meaning, 'Joey I love you'.
Uhm... Yugi loves Joey as a friend guys... (baka hentai/yaoi
freaks) -------- In the manga, Jonouchi has a father who drinks lots of alcohol and gambles a lot. Jonouchi once hung out with a teenage thug named Hirutani in middle school. Jonouchi left his gang, and Hirutani forced Jonouchi to rejoin in a manga chapter; Yugi and his friends help pull Jonouchi out after Hirutani tortures him with a stun gun; Jonouchi earlier punched a fellow gang member for hurting Yugi. When Hirutani tries to get Jonouchi to join again by having Yugi strangled, Jonouchi instead gets hit by a bunch of yo-yos to rescue Yugi. Yugi and Jonouchi then take down Hirutani's gang for good. - Vicious ---------- Joey's Deck Has Contained: battle steer by the king of games. |
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