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Seto Kaiba
Seto Kaiba was once the undefeated
He offered any price for it but Yugi’s Grandfather refused. Then he challenged Yugi’s Grandfather with a duel. The victor would obtain the loser’s most valuable card. He beat Yugi’s Grandfather and ripped the Blue Eyes White Dragon card in 2. Then Yugi challenged him and won. Kaiba was defeated in episode 1. The evil in his heart left him the minute Yugi beat him. Seto Kaiba has a younger brother. Around episode 20 he has to rescue him… (newer updates toward the bottom of the page) ---------- Seto Kaiba is one of the best duelists in the world. Ranked World Champion in the most recent World Tournament, Kaiba was undefeated until Yugi displayed the heart of the cards in getting revenge for his grandfather. Kaiba thought he had the duel won. especially because he had all three of his Blue Eyes out onto the field, but Yugi drew Exodia and obliterated his Blue Eyes and life points. After the duel, Yugi used his Millenium Puzzle to destroy the evil in Kaiba's heart. Kaiba thought it was back to the drawing board until he got invovled in Pegasus's "Game" when Pegasus kidnapped Mokuba. He thought the kidnapping would allow him to hostily take over Kaiba Corp., Seto Kaiba's personal company. Kaiba corp is responsible for the holographic dueling fields and discs that allow players to physically "see" the duel. Kaiba flies to the island via helicopter after helping Yugi win a duel against "himself" ( It was his evil self brought back from the shadow realm). When he arrives he
beates Joey
He concedes and Kaiba wins five of his star chips taking away his chance of entering the castle and saving his grandpa. Kaiba starts to realize the power of the heart of the cards philosophy but decides he can't change his own strategy now. Kaiba duels Pegasus and the finalists ( Yugi included ) watch from above. Pegasus, using superior cards and his Millenium Eye, defeates Kaiba by using his own Blue Eyes against him. Using the Millenium Eye, Pegasus traps Kaiba and Mokuba into Duel Monsters cards causing Yugi to transform into Yami Yugi to fight for his soul. Now as Yugi duels in the tournament, Seto's and Mokuba's only chance to be free, ride on his shoulders. What will be in Kaiba's future? Let's and see... Jlact965 ---------- Seto Kaiba: What were the artists thinking when they gave
him a new trenchcoat design? He gets 3 different trenchcoat designs and he
begins to look anorexic... ------------ Seto Kaiba --------------- Kaiba: He's quite the duelisit. Cute too. (Or at least
that is what Isis Ishtar thinks.) Although, he is more of a prick in the
battlecity saga, then the duelist kingdom saga. Kaiba is the tip of person you
look at ,and think"what a $$$$$$$" (Lets leave it at that.) Getting the God card
from Isis really put him on eage. The problem he gets later on is flashback. So
in the flashbacks ----------- Kaiba:He's only a teenager but has tons of cash & his own
company:KaibaCorp. Kaiba has a brother:Mokuba, and will do anything for Mokuba,
he even sacrificed his own soul to try to rescue Mokuba.In the Battle City saga,
he meets a mysterious woman named Isis, who bores him with her talk about
destiny & a Thousand year duel to save the world! But she sparks intrest in him
when he learns about the 3 Egyptian God Cards. She then tells him to start a
tournament & ---- 5.01.04 Seto Kaiba is the
owner of a mutinational gaming company called Kaiba
Corp. When he was about 12 his parents died so he and
his little bro Mokuba were sent to an orphanage. From
then on Seto pledged to always be there for Mokuba being
each other's only family & friends. Everybody wanted to
adopt Seto because he was so smart, but he wouldn't
leave without Mokuba. One day while seto and Mokuba were
playing chess, they saw a man named Gozaboro Kaiba on
the news. Apparantly Gozaboro won a chess tournament and
was donating money to the orphanage Sete was in. Seto
knew Gozaboro was the only way they could get out of the
orphanage. When Gozabro came Seto challenged him to a
game of chess, if Seto won Gozaboro had to adopt him &
Mokuba. Gozaboro laughed but then Seto said"Wait till
the news paper hears u backed down from a kid." So of
course Seto won & he & Mokuba became Gozaboro's "sons"
Gozaboro was hard on Seto & made him study all the time.
This is why Seto is the way he is now. In later years
Seto got meaner and occasionaly beat Mokuba up. Gozaboro
needed a son to run Kaiba Corp., which then made weapons
4 war. Since Gozaboro's real son Noah died he needed
Seto 2 run the company. Gozaboro gave him a test and he
passed.Later Seto took complete control of the company
and Gozaboro disappered. Seto turned Kaiba Corp into a
gaming company. Early on, he and his brother were orphans and was adopted by some guy called Kaiba after beating him in chess. He later takes the company from him and the other Kaiba dude disappears. In Duelist Kingdom, Mokouba's soul was taken by Pegasus and he has to beat Yugi to duel him. Ironically, he tricks Yugi into surrendering (he threatened him that if he attacks Ultimate dragon that the shockwaves will cause him to fall off the castle wall). When he makes it to Pegasus, he loses to his own crush card and his soul is taken. He's later trapped in a virtual game he created by the directors of Kaibacorp who forged an alliance with Pegasus to take over the company. He meets Ishuzu who tells him about his ancient past and how he must start a tournment as she gives him an Egyptain god card, Obliesk the Tormentor. He's so ignorant of his past that he wants to use his god card as a source of power to become #1 again, but he's such a snob about not believing the past that I'm convinced that he's been consumed with greed. He's more obnixous than before... his conquest for power definitely explains his ancient past where he defeats the Pharoh (in some way that I have no clue to). I just can't stand him at times because he never gave Joey much of a chance and he's gotten so much better than he was in the beginning of the series. ~ Jackie B. Ash Ketchum and now Huge Joey Wheeler fan ----- Seto Kaiba- A split personality is this cold-hearted duelist. After being adopted by Kozoburo Kaiba, was turned into a cold blooded person. Seto believe only in winning and fighting for his only family, Mokuba. After losing Mokuba in the first season "Duelist Kingdom" you find him on duelist kingdom, hunting for Pegasus. It would have seemed that Pegasus had kidnapped Mokuba and then snatched his sole. Kaiba then faces his second defeat against Pegasus. Therefore losing his sole. But not to worry my fellow Seto fans, Yugi than defeats Pegasus and restores his grandfather's and the Kaiba bros soles. THANK GOD! Seto maybe the cold-hearted person as we know it, but many know him for his true person, and his little brother. And quite franctly, who wouldn't love him? Because he one of of the mayjor characters in the show Yu-Gi-Oh! So long live Seto Kaiba! - HiKari ---- Seto and Mokuba got
adoptid by Gozaburo Kaiba. Gozabura wanted to adopt only
Seto in the first place, because Seto made him think
about is deceased son Naoh. After Gozaburo got beatten
by Seto at a game of chess he had to adopt them both.
Gozaburo forced Seto into home-schoolling so he can be
as smart as Naoh. At some point, Seto couldn't take it
anymore and pushed Gozaburo out of the window and took
over KaibaCorp (good job). He refused to invest in
weapons, but he investid in Duel Monsters. Later on he
became a world champion... ---- Seto ---- seto kaiba is the ceo of
kaiba corp. he has a little brother named mokuba.his
wardrobe is not so good the only outift i like is the
one he wore in battle city.he wil wear it again for the
3rd season he looks hot in that outfit.also seto is
gonna lose his soul to dartz in this season but he is
gonna help yami to save the world. also kaiba is gonna
open his kaibaland an have a tournament where they will
all face a new villian. kaiba needs to lighten up. i
think he needs a gf already i mean he is like 18 he has
good looks jus needs to stop this rival thing with yugi
already. other than that seto is so hot an i wish he was
real. I LUV HIM!!.. Who the gril is who kaiba
is holding during the flash backs? |
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