One step at a time.
4400 attack/3300 defense: A nightmare on the
field. With enough power to take out half your
opponent's life points, this is not a monster you
want to successfully attack anything.
Fusion Cost: Ancient Gear Golem and two
additional Ancient Gear monsters? Thats... pretty
expensive, actually. This monster takes a lot of
commitment to bring to the table, and the fact that
it can ONLY be summoned by a fusion summon means you
only get one try at it. Make it count.
Effect: The Ancient Gear Motto: Once we get
moving, we don't stop! With its immunity to effects
during its attack and its ability to pierce defense
position monsters, it may actually have enough
innate protection to swing - once. Its final effect,
however, gives it some added power; destruction nets
you another 3000 attacker that can pierce and attack
without fear. Not too shabby, really.
Earth/Machine: Not much to gain from the Earch
side of it, but Machine grants it a very dangerous
support: Limiter Removal. Any time a monster can end
the game in one attack, its something to pay
attention to.
Now then, here we have the final word on Ancient
Gear monsters. Its collossal 4400 attack power means
losing isn't an option, and its ability to lock out
spells and traps means that there isn't much in the
way of outside threats you need to worry about once
he gets moving. I've always felt that the Ancient
Gear ability was one that held a lot of power, but
the rest of the monster tended to... suck.
Their inability to the special summoned, for
instance, slowed down the decktype quite a bit. In
addition, the stats on many of the Ancient Gear
monsters really killed their playability (Ancient
Gear Engineer, you were so close to being awesome).
What does that have to do with the Fusion?
Simple. This beast relies on its smaller AG brothers
to get him to the field, and most of them don't cut
it. What that means, of course, is that his own
playability is limited by the weaknesses of the deck
design. Such a shame.
Seriously, though, how many answers can you think
of for this guy once he's on the field? Honest is
all I came up with off the top of my head, and thats
only going to work for a couple of decks. Wait,
scratch that. Enemy Controller to give yourself a
turn and hope for the best. That'll do it!
A pain to field, a win when he arrives.
Traditional: 1/5 (forget it; too slow)
Advanced: 3/5 (crushes everything, can be fusion
summoned from the hand faster than your open can
drop a JD)