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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day
Walrein - -
Team Aqua & Magma
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Thundachu |
Team Aqua's Walrein
Overview: Ah, another new holo in the AM set. Power Blow(love the
attack name ;/ *cough*) does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for
each energy attached to it for 1 water energy as an energy
cost.(How many times did I say energy in that sentence? ;/). Then
for 2 water and 2 colorless, Hydro Reverse does 50 damage
automaticly(a tad low for 4 energy cost), and you may return any
number of wayer energy cards attached to all of your pokemon to
your hand. If you do, it does 50 plus 10 more for every energy
returned. Not bad considering you can return energy from all of
your Pokemon instead of just Walrein. 120HP is pretty good for a
non-ex Stage 2 Pokemon, but being Non-EX and having 2 weaknesses
is HORRIBLE. A retreat of 2 is pretty nice for this pokemon
considering the HP. Pretty good for your opponent's weaknesses
being 2 types: water, and dark, meaning you can attach darkness
energy to it.
Unlimited: SER will get the best of it. 4 energy for just 50
damage minimum isn't much. TWO WEAKNESSES WILL EAT IT ALIVE. Um.
I've said enough. 1/5
Modified: I suppose the 2 types could come in handy, but the 2
weaknesses still bring it down. And the 1st attack can come pretty
good as well. 3/5
Draft: Evolution. 2 weaknesses. Long time to power up. etc. 2.5/5
Sealed Deck: If you are able to draft it in sealed deck with the
evos, I would play it because of the high HP and low retreat and
the 1st attack, and I suppose the 2nd as well has potential in
doing some pretty good damage, plus the low retreat cost if it
gets too banged up.

Hedge |
Prolly my fav. Anti-Blaze card, this
is soo nasty with Archie.
Probably the quickest stage 2 in the format right now.
Plus, it’s weak to dark and metal, roflolmao. ~_^
It can be combo’ed nicely with EXP. Amphny to TecH against Blaze,
and its darkness trait allows Darkness energy damage to be
applied, and better yet, Dark nrg does its damage BEFORE weakness
and resistance now, so it’s even better.
Wait ‘till Blastoise ex comes out, people will play that, 4 archie
and 4 of these, and a 2-1-2 line of mudkip/marshtomp/NON-HOLO
swampert in their decks (swampert’s power basically get’s around
Blastoise ex’s power, umm not sure if it says once per turn
though. :x ) Plaid's deck also plays this with fossils to stall
while it creams Blaze. Or was that Wiscash. O well, something like
that. ;/

Ralphy |
After a bit off a layoff, Ralphy is
back. Thriller, a skate vid coming to a store near you soon, is
really shaping up nicely, so it's back to some Card of the Day
action for the next few weeks.
Two words are all that are needed to
describe these bad boys, this one in peticular. Well more than
two, Weird, Wild Stuff.
Unlimited- Eventhough this is a
Stage 2, I like this card here. First off, it has 120 HP, which
is nice, but with the duel weakness, you would like thatb number
to be a bit higher. I like that it has two types, so that could
increase the power of some of it's attacks. And watch out for
Tyrogue. The real, or only reason I like this card here is for
the combo with Blastoise. You could return all of your basic
water energies and then just simply put them back on again next
turn and repeat. Much damage is all that can be said. Just
getting both cards into play could be a bit tough... 2.75/5
Modified- Damage control is always
nice, in any format, and this card has two attacks that control
damage. Steel and Fighting are not the most heavily played types
in this format and there are enough Pokes weak to Darkness and
water mostly to make playing this card worthwhile. The Blastoise
combo would have been nice... 3.25/5
Limited- Holo rare Stage 2's aren't
the easiest to draft, but you can always get lucky. The earlier
stages aren't too bad, and the first attack is multi-colored
friendly, just as long as you have the one water. If you can get
the 2nd attack going, he'll be a beast. 3.5/5 here.

Otaku |
Team Aqua’s Walrein
Team Magma Vs Team Aqua. #6/95
2 (Evolves from Sealo)
(W) Power Blow [10+]
Does 10
damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy attached to Team
Aqua’s Walrein.
(WWCC) Hydro Reverse) [50+]
You may
return any number of Basic (W) Energy cards attached to
all of your Pokémon to your hand. If you do, this attack
does 50 damage plus 10 more
damage for each Energy you returned.
There is currently only one Walrein, and it’s this Team Aqua
one, so it won’t have to fight itself to be in a deck, but
neither can it be TecHed into a pre-existing Tam Aqua’s
Walrein (henceforth referred to as TAW). TAW is a Stage 2
Dark/Water Pokémon. This means that there is very little
Resistance to it (from the Water part), and most of it only
sees play in Modified (though Unown D may occasionally
pester you if you use this in Unlimited), but there is a
good deal of Weakness about. 120 HP is great-can’t do
better unless you are a Pokémon ex. A Weakness to Fighting
stinks, and a Weakness to Metal is annoying, so the two
together is awful! No Resistance makes little sense, and a
retreat of two is roughly average.
Before I
forget, since this is a Stage 2, we should talk about the
lower Stages quick-the Sealo look equally good, so just use
whatever one your want, or a Rare
Candy, or Archie, to get TAW into play. As for the
Spheal, #56 has a better attack
but #57 has better HP, so again, chose what one you want.
Power Blow is helped by the Dark part of this Pokémon-for
WD, you can do 30. Not great, but not bad. And if you
happen to have a lot of Energy attached to it, you can get a
lot of damage. Mostly this attack will just be used for
when you need to attack and Hydro Reverse isn’t ready.
Hydro Reverse is very similar to Suicune ex’s Reverse
Stream, but it needs one more Energy,
can select the number of Basic Water Energy it returns, and
can return them from any of your Pokémon. Overall, it’s a
good attack.
Its dual colors allow it to pull off some neat tricks… well,
mainly using Darkness Energy to tack on even more damage for
its attacks. You could constantly “bounce” Water Energy
between you hand and it with Swampert or
Blastoise, depending on the
Format. Just like Suicune ex, you can the Water Energy of
an injured Pokémon to your hand, clearing it for Pokémon
Nurse (or Center). Other combos are using it with Team Aqua
cards, and High Pressure System to drop the Retreat bye
one. Don’t forget about Team Aqua Energy to give Power Blow
a quick +20 damage.
2.5/5-You could use this with Raindance-Archie would even
make it easy to get into play-but that Fighting Weakness
really hurts it here.
3.5/5-A lot of potential here-much like Suicune ex, this
becomes really strong when combined with Swampert to
constantly re-attach those Water
3.75/5-Its lower Stages are pretty good here too. Just
watch out for Fighting in this format. Otherwise, it’s a
nice big Pokémon that can hit pretty hard.
3.75/5-It helps here since you can have one player run a
Swampert ex deck, then run some
other support for this with this in the other deck.
Looks to
be a good solid card-I just awoke from an unintentional nap
when I finished this, so it might have some glaring error
I’ll have to correct later. ;-)
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