Team Aqua’s Kyogre
Team Magma Vs Team Aqua, #2/95
Power Saver
As long as
the number of Pokémon in play (both yours and your
opponent’s) that has Team Aqua in its name is 3 or less,
Team Aqua’s Kyogre can’t attack.
(WC) Aqua Trip [10]
Flip a
coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now
Confused. If tails, the Defending
Pokémon is now Asleep.
(WWC) Aqua Smash [50+]
If the
Defending Pokémon is affected by a Special Condition, this
attack does 50 damage plus 20
more damage.
The only Team Aqua’s Kyogre I know
is this one, so I can’t really compare it with any others.
Being a Team Aqua’s Pokémon is technically an advantage: there
are a lot of combos open to them. Sadly as a whole, the Team
Aqua Pokémon are quite weak. There’s a
Kyogre ex, but those things are usually pretty wonky,
so I don’t want to use that as a baseline. Oh well. This
card is a Basic, which is great, and a Dark/Water type, which
seems pretty good to me: I don’t recall anything resisting
Dark-types, and Water Resistance is still relatively new, but
Weakness to both exists. We have 100 HP. This is great for a
Basic, especially in Modified. Without being a Pokémon ex,
this is the third best HP a Pokémon can have. It is Weak to
Grass, which is worse than Electric Weakness by my current
evaluation-I see Jungle Scyther more than Base Set Electabuzz
in Unlimited, though neither is prevalent. In Modified, we do
see more Electric that Grass… but as part of certain
Firestarter decks. There are actually decks that focus on
Grass. Moving on, we see that there is no Resistance. Were
it not for one other thing on this card, I would have thought
this a balance issue. Perhaps it is, but it
overcompensates-there is something that almost cripples this
card as it. Finally, we come to the retreat of three. Not
good. It could be worse, but this is definitely bad as it.
Use Switch if at all possible.
We have two attacks and a Poké-Body. I will start with the
attacks. Personally, I consider Aqua Trip to be over-priced
or to low on damage: a guaranteed Special Condition is nice,
but since it’s one or the other, it more or less ends up being
like one guaranteed one. That means a cost of (C). The
attack does 10 damage, also only
worth (C). This is priced at (WC), ergo it’s overpriced.
Aqua Smash looks good though: (WWC)
pays for 40 but does 50, and if the Defending Pokémon is
afflicted by a Special Condition, you hit for 70. So overall
it’s good… until you go to the Poké-Body. Power Saver is what
cripples this card: if there is less than 3 Team Aqua Pokémon
in play, this card can’t attack. So you have to run at least
3 of this card, run other Team Aqua Pokémon, or hope your
opponent has them.
As stated, run it with all the Team Aqua goodies, like Archie
and Team Aqua Energy. I would encourage you run another Team
Aqua Pokémon with it as well, for obvious reasons.
1.5/5-That Poké-Body prevents it from working well with
2.75/5-That power really keeps it from being good, though it
has potential.
4/5-Drat. This.
3/5-A lot easier to use this here, since both players can
build their decks around it.
Another card
that shows TPC is learning, but still has a long way to go.