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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day

Dark Celebi -
Hidden Legends
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Jermy101 |
Dark Celebi is bad in just about all formats. Attaching an
extra energy card this turn is nothing special, and the attack
is poor.
Unlimited - 1 w0u1d r4th3r u53 b453 g45t1y. 1/5
Modified - There are better Pokemon out there! 1/5
Limited - There is no Darkness Energy in Hidden Legends. Unless
you draft a Darkness Energy set with Hidden Legends, it's not
worth it. 2

Hedge |
Dark Celebi
1st off, yuppers,
Hedge is back from a 3 week vacation… :D
2nd off…. A few
rogues out there have been complaining about my reviews. I
like doing cotd because it’s fun, Pokemon is a hobby of
mine, and I take pleasure in giving advice to other players.
These are my opinions; if you don’t want to read my reviews,
then please, feel free to just skip over my portion of the
3rd off… Worlds is
coming up soon. To anyone who’s going, lemme just say to
playtest a lot and Good Luck at the actual competition!!
This card is odd… it’s pretty solid. A solid 70 HP for a
basic, not bad. Does 40 for 2 if you have a REAL dark on
him… and can speed up grass/dark decks considerably.
Yeah, that means Shiftry. ;x But I’m not saying play
this in Shiftry; please don’t, I doubt it will work
well. I have seen it used in a deck that a person at my
local league plays… (The Shack ;/) ‘Twas mighty neat,
but I believe he wanted that deck kept secret, so I
shall refrain from opening my rather large mouth.
Regardless, the main problem here is simple… weakness to
fire. ALTHOUGH, I must say, that is AS much of a threat
as it was before. With the release of HL and the new
Rarecandy ruling, Blaze is not nearly as powerful as it
was before… It’s almost rogue again. I’m not saying it’s
a bad deck by any means… it’s still great… but alas,
that’s quite a different review. As for Dark Celebi,
Jirachi is a tad better…. A LOT better actually… well,
you know what I mean. Just don’t throw it into random
grass or dark decks; won’t help you much. Max out on
Dunsparce (or Wurmple in the grass case) instead.
~Hedge (Coolhedgie)
++ Worlds
2004 – Bring it ++
-+- August
4, 2004 -+-
Johnny Blaze |
Dark Celebi – Beautiful artwork. 30
for auto poison is decent. Too bad its weak to Fire and takes 1
Dark and 1 Leaf. If your lucky enough to be holding a Grass and
Darkness in you hand you can Dark Provide.
Unlimited – 1/5 Many more options to have any type of impact.
Modified – 1/5 Not much play here as Fire is popular and the
Damage done is not enough to be a contender.
Limited – 0/5 Useless unless you are drafting with R&S packs
that contain the actual Darkness energy to play and are lucky to
draft it.

Otaku |
Dark Celebi
Hidden Legends
(C) Dark Provide
Attach up
to 1 (G) or (D) Energy card from your hand to your Pokémon.
(GD) Leaf Poison [20]
Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned.
Dark Celebi is a Basic Pokémon. Good so far.
Interestingly, it breaks the old rule-Dark Pokémon are
supposed to always be Stage 1 or higher, to represent the
corrupting influence of Team Rocket (evil Basics have been
released, but under the title of Team Rocket’s or Rocket’s
Pokémon). This is an advantage though-since this allows for
the use of Darkness Energy as a damage bonus and means that,
should you play this in Unlimited, Team Rocket’s Hideout can
boost your HP by 20. It’s a dual-type Pokémon, a recent
addition to the TCG. Being both Dark and Grass is pretty
good. Grass Weakness is showing up a tad more with the rise
in Water Pokémon seeing play in Modified, and Metal Pokémon
(that are Grass Resistant) don’t see a lot of play there
either, since said Pokémon are Weak to Fire. In Unlimited,
the Grass just means that the few Metal
Pokémon seen in the format can ignore what little
direct damage you can do. The Dark-aspect is virtually
trouble free. Yes, there are a few “anti-Dark” cards like
Unown D and Light Machamp, but both of those are from
Unlimited, and neither is used in most decks. There are
a few Dark Weak Pokémon, but
there is no Dark Resistance. Possibly the best deal is the
ability to use Darkness Energy for boosting your
damage-well, it would be if we hadn’t already gotten that
from the name. This card is kicking butt so far. The HP is
a solid 70-big enough that only the “top half” of attacks
can OHKO it. With Team Rocket’s hideout, it balloons up to
90 HP-rare on basics, and the
fourth highest for non-Pokémon ex. That won’t work for
Modified, but Low Pressure System can give you an 80 still.
Sadly, we do have a Weakness (hey, it was risking becoming
too good ;) ). Fire Weakness is
a bit of a pain for Modified-Normal Blaziken can OHKO you,
and a Flame Kick from Blaziken ex has a 50% chance of
OHKOing you. However, it beats
Psychic Weakness in my opinion. Blaziken ex could OHKO you
anyway, and chances are if Blaziken comes up, you’ve already
been hit by something else a few times. No Resistance is
the worst. I wish that they had given it something. Many
things would be appropriate, but it’s no use dwelling on
it. Finally, we have Retreat cost of just one. So long as
you aren’t desperately needing
the attached Energies, parting with one isn’t so bad.
Two attacks, neither of which seem overly powerful on their
own. Together, they become much, much more. Dark Provide
does give small, quick boost to one of your Pokémon. It is
nice that it affects two different types of energy. Leaf
Poison is pretty solid. You pay for roughly 30-should I
give a bonus for multiple energy types to a dual-type
Pokémon? Well, you do 20 and Auto-Poison, which is roughly
the same value. Also, since it’s Dark, you get a +10 if you
use a real Darkness. 30 with Auto-Poison
for two Energy. Better yet, with
the first attack, you can have two
Darkness attached by turn two. This means you can
hit, second turn, for (20 + 10 + 10) 40
damage and auto-Poison. Nasty.
I think it might be fun in a really rogue Dark Vileplume
deck in Unlimited. Not overly potent unless you can pull
off nasty first turn Dark Plume and hope they don’t have a
Cleffa. If you have the right cards with that set-up, it
could actually be a winner! Moving onto Modified, if you
want to run a Grass deck with Darkness overtones, this is
about as good as it gets. Unfortunately, the only things
that really match it are Team Magma’s Cacnea and Cacturne.
I don’t know of any decks that make good use of Darkness
Energy that would really benefit from a Dark Celebi, but if
they exist, then it could fit in there as well.
3/5-Looks to be fun and maybe even effective.
2/5-Only for a rogue deck, and it
doesn’t show a lot of promise there.
2/5-Timed right, the first attack can pump up other Pokémon…
but remember, if you can’t Provide
more than once, you only break even. If you have the Dark
Celebi Starter from Hidden Legends, this bad boy spikes to a
3.5/5, as said deck has two Darkness
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